Sorry I didn't update for a few days Wenchy, but I just got home a little while ago. I was away this weekend from Friday evening until late this afternoon. I was with Lori (DUH!) and we had a busy weekend. I'll tell you about our weekend tomorrow, but now I'm tired and I don't have the energy right now.
I did want to give you an update on my fucking haircut now that I've had a few days to live with it.

IT STILL FUCKING SUCKS MONKEY DICK!!!!!!, but I'm getting used ot it. Lori told me she likes it, but agrees it's too short. She likes the length in the front, but thinks the sides are too short. She told me if the sides were as long as the front, it would be just right in her opinion.
Personally, I hate it like this and I want to put out a hit on the bastard that cut off my beautiful hair last week. I am getting used to it though, but "used to it" doesn't mean I like it.

Hola! It's that girl from Chile. I am actually American but live in Santiago. I am interested in any travel-type writing so your Vietnam story had me hooked. Thanks for sharing!
By the way, I think your new do is pretty hip.
I think it looks good myself. But I love crew cuts..Well sugar remember it is hair and it does grow pretty fast. ;-) Ya know I've heard if Lori would massage your head a lot it makes hair grow faster. Oh yes and other things too. HA Ha He He yep I'm a dirty minded ole gal.. :-)
Kaliblue is correct. Scalp massages and heat will help hair grow faster. Give it a shot - it will feel good if nothing else.
Whooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooo! Oh I love seeing my name in lights!!!!!
It's gonna grow Tony. Relax. I think you look just fabulous as always... dammit.
Love to you and Lori!!!
tony, lori's totally right the front is great, sides will grow with head massages...and here's a you know a good barber to recommend to your enemies!
I like this cut better than the old one. But like Kali, I like short hair anyway.
@ least you have hair????
aww it's really not that bad. i've decided to cut mine short. this one armed bullshit is too much with long wildwoman of borneo hair like mine. i'm gonna need a double shot of my vicodin and a JD chaser to psych up for it though. when you hear wailing from the west it will be me, ok>?
its not the length of a mans hair that we care about anyway....
but I like it too!
Yeah, what ^ Trick ^ said.
This looks like the many angles & moods of Tony. heehee
Hello Inr. I enjoyed your blog.
Kaliblue - Why you naughty girl, I love it!
SassyLadi - I'll ask Lori to give them a try
Libby - I didn't think of that. Now let's see, who do I know that needs a haircut?
Betcha - I'm glad my new look pleases you. I guess I'll have to try and get used to it
Wenchy - True, I can't imagine what I'd look like bald.
NoOne - I tried to show different looks. These are the ones that didn't make me LOL when I saw them
Trick - Lori said something very similar so I guess I still have "that" to fall back on
Lime - Just think of Demi Moore in that movie when you cut it. You'll look hot bald like her.
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