Monday, May 15, 2006

Do me a favor... time I fall a sleep and take a two hour nap in the early evening, just hit me up side the head to wake me. Okay!

It's now 2:44 A fucking M and I'm wide a fucking wake!

This really sucks, big time!

I'm picking up my girlfriend Lori at the ferry from Connecticut later today and hoped to stay up late tomorrow night having a lot of sex.

Did I tell you she is staying with me all next week?

If i don't get to bed soon, I'm not going to get my minimum required number of hours of sleep and fall a sleep on her in the evening.+

I don't have to tell you what that means, do I?

That would really, really not be acceptable!

Oh wait! I just yawned. That is a good sign I may be getting tired.


lime said...

LOL, i'm sure you'll find the energy somehow!

Becca said...

WooHoo!!! A visit from the girlfriend!!! EXCELLENT!!! I don't think you'll give a good damn whether you're tired or not :D

Now...about that smack upside the head....

Libby said...

we have faith in you being able to stay awake for certain things, tony...

barman said...

You are doing fine I am sure. Tomorrow you will probably be dead but... go get em tiger.

CozyMama said...

thansk for the mommy post, pretty cool. sorry you took a nap that late. hey i have a new design on my blog