Thursday, May 25, 2006

Flashback HNT

This is a svelte BTExpress as I crossed the finish line of my one and only 5K Race back in August 1994. I took up running as a way to help me loose weight while we were on Weight Watchers. I’m not certain what I weighed when this picture was taken, but wound up loosing a total of 51 pounds on that diet and got down to 170. I’m sorry to say I’ve put it all back on and more. This picture hits home very hard to see the difference in my body between then and now. I think I’d better get my ass moving again.


lime said...

wow, cool flashback! you did it once, you can do it again i have no doubt. i've certainly never run a 5K, i think i'd keel over.

happy HNT!

Barbara said...

Tony....I gotta say running does work wonders....How was weight watchers? Did you like it?

Anyhow...happy HNT....when are you coming to TX?

lecram sinun said...

Woo Hoo! Think of it as you growing more lovable! Cheers and Happy HNT!

BTExpress said...

Lime - I grew up running everywhere as a child and loved it. I also loved it when I was running at the time this pic was taken. I really got to get back into it.

Trojan - Weight Watchers was excellent. You really can eat anything you want when you are on it. You just have to keep track of how much you eat of what. You also learn to be selective on your choices. I highly recommend it.

Lecram - That I have my friend, that I have. :-)

Blondage said...

That is something I have always wanted to do but never tried.

Blondage said...
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.- said...

me too - i say at least once a week i gotta get those shoes out and run!


Rebecca said...

5K? You *ran* 5K? We're you being chased by naked women? Damn.

I must confess though...I like your hair much better now ;-)


Lee Ann said...

Look at those cute legs!

I have been exercising a lot lately. I have a long way to go! Don't be so hard on yourself, I think you look great now too!
Happy HNT!

BTExpress said...

Evilicious Blonde - I highly recommend it too. Running is so cool.

Velma - I hear ya. It's so hard to get going, but once you do, your hooked and it's easy after that.

Becca - Sure I ran a 5k. I ran 5 miles everyday after work until my feet developed problems. My son was 12 at the time and used to ride his bike right along side of me. We talked about all kinds of things during those runs. That was some of the best times of my life with him. I guess that is one reason we are so close today. Always have been close.

BTExpress said...

Lee Ann - Thank you so much. You sound just like Lori you know. I love you both for that. :-)

S said...

Hi BTE...I think one day I might's just not now!

Maybe Lori wants to run with you?

HHNT Tony!

BTExpress said...

Solitaire - Thanks

Susie - I'm not sure, but I'll ask her.

Leesa said...

Very nice shot! HHNT :)

Anonymous said...

Great picture... and good job!
I get tired driving that far :)

MG said...

wow, that doesnt' look so much like you...
I like you now. ;)

Avery's mom said...

wow! look at that skinny man go!
its never too late to get into shape (maybe a slight battle to get going) but its not imossible.
I'm going to have to loose almost 50lbs this fall after i drop this baby out of my pregnant stomach...not going to be fun but at least i'll be healthy again.
really can help the mind out too...being healthy that is
happy HNT

Wenchy said...

Hey Tony - Needless to say I think you are fabulous, just the way you are....

PS. Thank you. I love you.

BTExpress said...

Crimson, Addict, Marge, Oº°‘¨t®ãg‘°ºO - Thanks

MG - That's exactly what Lori said, thanks.

Avery's mom - Me too, at least. I look like I may be pregnant, but................... I felt so good then.

Wenchy - Aw, babe, your sweet, thanks. I love you too. Keep your chin up. I'm always around if you feel like chatting about hot dogs or the Yankees.

Moosekahl said...

Thank you for your kind words. I remember reading your blog around the time your wife passed away. Your words were strong and reassuring then and they are now as well. Thank you.

barman said...

Tony, I do not know the Tony back then but I like the Tony now. I think you look fine and who could beat that awesome personality? Lose a pound or two here or there but even if you did not I think you are super.

I lost a ton on Weight Watchers and ended up puting it all back on. It is a good diet however. If you can stop eating the junk food it really is not to hard to follow and they have changed it again. You can still do it the way I did and you must have done or you can do it a new way. I believe they have something where they spell out exactly what you should be eating and doing. My Sister needs a diet like that. With the freedom she just could not manage to follow the diet.

212degreedesigns said...

i can't help it,..
everytime someone talks about running,...


ok there i said it.

HHNT hun, and i think you are adorable!

Anonymous said...

Running? No thanks. You're actually lookin' pretty scrawny in that pic. haha

And yeah, when you coming to Texas??

BTExpress said...

Moosekahl - Your welcome. My heart bleeds for you. All mt best.

Barman - Thanks friend. That was very nice of you to say. Now wax on, wax off. ;-)

212designs - LOL, I loved that movie. Well aren't you sweet. Thanks. :-)

No One In Particular - Scrawny? Didn't you read? I was svelt. Don't really know when I'll be in Texas. When do you want me to come?

Melissa said...

You looked handsome back then just as you do now.

I think its agreed that we all love the you that you are- whatever shape that may be ;)

and remember hun-->diet is a 4letter word so no wonder we view em with contempt.
Make healthy eating a part of your lifestyle and before you know it, it just "is" you don't even have to think about it.

And woohoo 5miles every day?? You're my hero!!- Thats the Army in ya :)
I don't do 5 miles every day but in total I run about 30km a week.
Baby steps hun, baby steps. Do whats best for you & keep setting small obtainable goals. That is, if thats what you wanna do.


Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!