I’m not exactly certain what this was growing on. It was either chilli or pasta sauce. I had both in my refridgerator, but I’m not sure which was which. For that matter, I’m not even sure when I made the chili or the sauce it’s been that long. Any ideas what any of this stuff is?

Are the eggs I bought on January 25th still any good? I've never opened the carton so I'm thinking they may be okay?
That is quite a life form!!!
Personally I think eggs last a long time. Just crack them into a separate bowl before you add them to anything to be sure.
I love the new life form. Have you named it yet? Since you discovered it you should be able to name it. It reminds me of the science experiments I have done in my fridge before but none of mine were that nice looking.
What ever you do be very, very careful around the eggs. I suspect if you were to sniff the eggs they just might have an odor even before opening. Shelf life for eggs ... the Internet says ... 4 to 5 weeks. Yikes.
oh lordy. i'm so glad i already ate breakfast. on the upside, looks like some good antibiotic
I'm not sure what it is, but I've seen it's equal in my own refrigerator...
Put a couple of eggs in a pan of room temp water If they float or even look like they want to, DUMP them.
Heck a dozen eggs only cost about a dollar. Dump them and buy new!
NO. No eggs. That's disgusting.
That looks like a dish sponge. BLEH.
tony, throw the eggs away! immediately! before they grow legs and sneak up on you! seriously...they're no good, and they're cheap, you can afford another dozen...
and the refrigerator growth looks like a flower...you can put it in a box as a corsage for Lori??
NO! They are so not any good anymore...don't eat them! As for the mold...penicillium?
Run Tony, run!!! Preferably away from your fridge & towards the nearest grocery store!
You could have a major medicinal find there. Be bold - penicillin's made from mold, and aren't we all grateful that it wasn't thrown out because it looked yucky? That could be the cure for AIDS, or a cold vaccine...
mold is so freaking cool.
Hey hun,
see I'm a biology geek.
I do believe that your mystery mould is named Mucor Mucedo. A very well developed case of the spore mind you lol!
And the eggs- Sweet lord toss those!!
That's mighty gross.
Toss this corner and eat the rest? ;) just kiddin.
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