Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Too bad I voted tonight

After work today, I finished dinner and then went up to vote. It's not a big election today, but I feel it an obligation to do so, even if it's not one of the "BIG ONES" held every four years.

What a mistake that was!

I walk in to the same polling place I have walked in, off and on, for 28 years. I walk up the usual table, in the usual room and give the lady my name. I spell it as I always do, "C-*-*-*-*-K, Anthony".

She thumbs through the book for my name and gets to the "C****k" page. There they are as big as life, Anthony, Barbara and Brian, all in order, just like they always are. We all vote regularly in our household. Our signatures are what I noticed most, well Barbara's actually. Her signature was just as I remembered before her brain was damaged from the cancer a few years ago and her handwriting suffered. I was still clear, crisp and neat as the day she first signed the book. Barbara had beautiful hand writing. It was a combination of printing and script and very much different than most of us who really put little effort into penmanship and write like crap.

The lady at the table looks the page over and exchanges the relevant information. "Sign here." She points to the spot in the book where I'm suppose to sign and I sign my name. She looks it over.

"Thank you."

"Excuse me", I say. "Barbara C****k" I point to her name in the book. She passed away three weeks ago."

In unison, the ladies say, "Oh, I'm so sorry."

"Thank you."

"We'll remove her name."

OUCH! It hits me, Barbara is being removed from the voter roles.

"Damn!" I think, it's the beginning of the process to get her out of the "SYSTEM!" I know that's what's done, we all get purged from the "SYSTEM!" eventually, but it's not easy. It's not easy to deal with it when you loose someone so special to you.

Every time, almost everyday, I turn around and have to deal with another case of removing her from the "SYSTEM!" Everyday it's the snail mail and emails that keep coming in her name. I also still have to deal with the cemetery, motor vehicles, the Veterans Administration, the funeral home's insurance company as they fucked up something, but not with her thank God, the banks, credit card companies, investment companies, NY State Retirement system and whatever else that pops up I haven't thought of.

"Sir.......Sir", the lady at the tables calls.


"What date did she...blah....blah....?"

I choose not to hear the rest of what she said, but I knew what she said.

"October 17th", I say.

"Thank you. Again I'm sorry."

I go into the booth, pull the handle to the right, pull a bunch of levers and push the handle back to the left. The curtain opens and I walk out of the booth.

At this point I would always see Barbara standing there waiting, as I always let her vote first. We would always smile at each other and then I'd follow her out the door. This is the way it has been for the 28 years we lived in Sayville, but not this time. This time she wasn't there waiting for me with a smile, this time I walked alone back to my car alone and this time I drove home alone.

When I got home this time, I got the mail, opened the door and went inside to a very quite and very empty house, Brian's at work this evening. I look the mail over, walk over to the trash and throw away the junk mail in her name as I do everyday now. It's just that this day, it was a little harder to do. You see, she is being removed from the "SYSTEM!" and this is just one more thing I have to do to get that done, throw away mail in her name.

Now here I sit at the computer as I do everyday, except this day, the house seems more empty and my life seems more empty. Today I feel more alone.

I miss Barbara very much.


BTExpress said...

I had a good day actually. It's just that the voting is just another "personnel" thing that is so close to home, it hurts. I'll get over it, I'm certain of that.

Wenchy said...

I am SO sorry Tony. So sorry. :(

MamaKBear said...

Awwww Tony. Hugs for you!

She misses you too.

Libby said...

Tony, this had to be so incredibbly hard for you. i'm sure it just brought all the feelings to the top.
Hugs to you! LibbY!

BTExpress said...

Thanks 30.

Kalani, I really could use the hug too. I love hugs. Don't tell anyone, but I like to just snuggle sometimes too.

Thanks Wenchy.

Marge, I'm sorry about the loss of your brother. I'll try looking up, that's a good idea.

Thanks for the hug Mamakbear

Thank you too Libby for the hug. Yeah, doing things we used to do brings back memories and makes me sad for now. I guess someday, it will bring me smiles thinking about all the good times we had. You know the old saying, "It's better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all."

Summer said...

Awww, hon. It's so hard to be lonely. I'm sorry you're having to go through this. My thoughts are with you.

Samantha Alice said...

Hugs. Snuggles. I noticed yesterday that Don still has our friend's ( http://samanthasampson.blogspot.com/2005/10/three-months-ago-today.html )email in his contact list - I knew I did, and he's still in my cellphone... I hope I don't break that cellphone, because I'm not so far gone as to add him to a new phone, but I don't want him erased...

More hugs. More snuggles.

Unknown said...

oh BTE .... ((((hugs))))

BTExpress said...

Summer, thanks. Yes, it is very hard being alone sometimes. Tonight dashed home for a few minutes after work to get some clothes and say hi. He is sleeping over at his girlfriend's house tonight. She lives with her mother so don't get any dirty thoughts. ;-)

I've gotten a lot of sympathy cards since Barbara passed, and I got one phone call from my brother about 1 1/2 weeks ago and that's it. Nobody calls or visits. All I have is Brain, which I hardly see and the people at work. Alone? Yeah, I'm alone. :-(

Ray Ray, I loved her more than anything. People kept asking me how I could did all the things I did for Barbara, and some were really gross. (Hey, but not very different than what I did when Brian was an infant) The question always struck me kind of strange. I never considered doing anything else but take care of her and keep her close until I had to let her go. I thought, why, wouldn't they do the same thing? There question made me feel that maybe they wouldn't.

Samantha Alice, I haven't even tossed out her tooth brush. What I did do though, was get rid of everything that reminded me of her disability, except her wheel chairs and stuff like that. I have them in one place and will probably donate them to a local charity this weekend that provides them free to people that need them. But the rest of the stuff like her diapers and medicines, tossed right away.

BTExpress said...

Thanks KB, I love your hugs. Too bad they weren't in person.


Heather said...

It's those little things that hit the hardest isn't it? I'm still at the "what I'll never have, see, talk about" again stage. Never have my Mama's mac & cheese, never discuss books again, never receive a hug. So many tiny little things that you just don't notice until they are gone.

Big hugs Tony.