Sunday, November 27, 2005

I'm Dreaming About Barbara Again

It's been 40 days since my wife Barbara passed away. It seems longer than that, but that's getting side tracked.

For the first couple of weeks I didn't dream about her at all, which seemed a little strange to me. When my father passed away 10 years ago I dreamed about him right from the beginning. It seemed like he was actually with me in my dreams.

Then when Barbara started to be in my dreams, I was always mad at her and yelled at her a lot. She was always in the background, doing something, I don't know what, and seemed to be getting on my nerves for some reason.

Then starting the last week or so, when I dreamed and she was it them, she was happy go lucky and rushing everywhere she went. She had regained her ability to walk which made me happy, but her rushing around made me nervous because I thought she would fall and hurt herself. I was always trying to get her to slow down but she wouldn't listen. BTW, she never did fall in the dreams.

I have some ideas about what this means, but that's not the point, I just wanted to tell you about it.

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