Sunday Lori and I went back to her place so we could watch the power boat races in the bay at the end of her block. I enjoyed it, but I'm not too sure how much Lori and her daughter did.

One of the races was going on when we got there, but you couldn't see very well from the shore were almost everyone had to stay.

The best view was from the public dock, but that was restricted to people connected with the event. I wish we could have gone out there.

Or better yet, if I had my boat in the water we could have anchored out there with the rest of the boaters and had a front row seat. I did that years ago and it was so exciting to see the boats zoom by at something like 100 MPH.

Now that's the way to watch a boat race!
We spent most of the time just walking around looking at things. Geico insurance looked like the big spender at this race. I can't count how many truck and people they had there.

We walked down by the Geico area at the far end on the shore where we found the Geico Girls getting more give aways out of the trunk of a car.

These babes were HOT to say the least.

But right past them was this, which spoiled the moment.
But the moment returned as the girls drove by and waved at me.
I think they wanted me, don't you?
The heat and humidity
and the hot Geico Girls was getting to me by now, so it was time to cool off with a cold beer.

I'm not sure what these kids were doing at the beer wagon.

But I waited patiently for my turn and a Blue Point Brewery Toasted Lager. Blue Point Brewery beer is brewed in Patchogue and a very popular local brew. I love their beer!
I looked over at the dock and saw that the crane was lifting one of the larger power boats off of the trailer and putting it in the water.

We watched the races for a little while longer, but I sensed Lori had enough so we went back to her place. Where she promptly pout me to work. Hung some stuff on the walls.

Then hung her new curved shower rod.

Lastly I installed peep holes in her doors.

Then we sat down and watch the Little League World Series for a while. Then I saw a trailer carrying one of the power boats go by. So I went outside to get a closer look at the boats as they went down the street next to Lori's.

The it was back to my place for dinner and more snuggling. I cooked lemon garlic loin of turkey, herb mashed potatoes with gravy, brussel sprouts in cheese sauce with apple sauce.
All an all we have a great weekend. How was your's?