Thursday, January 12, 2006

Guess who has a date Saturday night?

Can you guess who it is?

Can't figure it out I'll bet, so I'll give you a hint.

His initials are B.T.E.

Got it yet?


It's me silly.

I met her on My Space. Her name is Arlene and is very pretty.


BTExpress said...

I will Chase. That stuff comes naturally to me anyway.

Sassyladi - If I go by the pictures on her My Space homepage she is. She posted 1/2 dozen pictures with a couple of them from Christmas. I guess I'll find out Saturday night if she really is.

Speckledpup said...

crap, I thought you were waiting on me.
now what am I gonna do.

Blondie... said...

What a VERY lucky lady. I'm envious! Do I still get to drive though? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Wow! And here I thought you wanted a nice Southern Lady?

Hope you have a really nice time :)

betchacantguesswho said...

It's good to see you taking the next step, Tony. Good luck, have fun and don't do anything I wouldn't do. Unless of course she starts it, then it's "Game On"!!

And for a list of what I wouldn't me. =P

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, I hear that's a VERY short list, she has ^^. And I do mean short, as in as short as my new skirt, short. Haha.

Have fun & of course, be yourself!

MamaKBear said...

Yay! Congratulations Tony, this is awesome news! :)

Barbara said...

Hubba Hubba.....Someone has a hot date. Good luck and have fun..:)

BTExpress said...

Ladies, please don't be upset. She just happen to ask me first. :-D You just need to speak up. I am an equal opportunity horn dog. ;-)

speckledpup - I'm still waiting on you. It's just a date.

Blondie - I'm counting on it. ;-)

No One In Particular - Southern, northern, western, eastern, the moon for all I care, I just want one. It been closer to 4 years after I seriously thought about it.

betchacantguesswho - I would email you, but I couldn't guess who. Really, I couldn't guess. Give me your email address because I'm dieing to know.

Thanks MKB, wish me luck it goes well.

Trojan - It's not really very hot. She invited me to the local high school winter musical play, but it's a start.

Jacqueline - I'm still waiting for you to come back. I miss your posts.

BTExpress said...

Roxi - I don't know my love, what is it your feeling? Jealousy? You have a guy, so that's probably not it. I love you, you know that. Right?

ShyRocket said...

Hey BT, this is great news. I hope you have a fantastic day that leads to a terrific date. Have fun!

Wenchy said...

Have a FAB time!!! (and give us a full update)

Anonymous said...

Hi cuz
I hope you and your date Arlene has a wonderful time.

Libby said...

tony...are you absolutely sure she isn't a he?

Johnny Virgil said...

good luck man!

BTExpress said...

Yes Libby, I'm sure.

Wenchy said...

Hey Tony - How was the date sweetie???