Tuesday, April 11, 2006


If you have trouble reading the story, click on image to make it larger.

FYI: Yes, Lori knows about this post. She approved the story before it was published.


Jillian said...


XO said...

WOOOHOOOOOOO!!!! I have to say, this post is fucking HILARIOUS. I love it! I'm so happy to hear (or read?) that you're doing so well. Congrats on the boom-boom!

PS: Just knowing that your girlfriend approved this post makes her awesome in my book. Cheers!

barman said...

Roxi is special ... like special Ed special? Thank goodness she is an hour away from me so I can start running...

Good for the two of you and congratulations on the end of an era! I am most happy for my favorite horn dog.

Part of your 1 percent male readership ... Barman

Anonymous said...

Happy for you! :)

The Guy in the Back said...

I wish you both the best.

lime said...

LOL, funny stuff. but congrats nonetheless!

truckdriver_sefl said...

LMAO!! The kid is back!!WooHoo!

Wenchy said...

Gotta love you. :)

Libby said...


betchacantguesswho said...

WooHoooo!!!! Yay for Tony and Lori!!!

Megan said...

ok, it has been FAR too fucking long since we last chatted. i mean, i suspected this, but to read about it in the NEWSPAPER before hearing it from you is just utterly unacceptable.


congrats. i got some news for you, too, but i can't post it yet.

S said...

LMAO BT!! Glad you are getting some....I think I need to read back in your blog...Lori? I'm behind in your news!


Blondie... said...

I'm so happy to read this...

You used the "L" word...


*doing happy dance*

Chickie said...

Congratulations! And what a cool girlfriend!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo!! Congrats you two & yeah, she's way cool if she lets you "kiss & tell" :)

Way to go Tony!