So I decided

So I stopped this morning at my usual place, but my usual guy he wasn’t there. I should have turned around and walked away. Why you ask? Because this guy butchered me! HE FUCKING BUTCHERED ME! I started directing him to minimize the damage, but finally I just stopped him before he made it any worse and left.
When I left there, I went down the street to the owners other shop. The owner wasn’t there, but one of my son’s friends works there so I talked to him and explained what happened. He accessed the damage and broke the bad news to me. He said there was no choice, but to
This what I wound up with.

I am so fucking pissed! My hair hasn’t been this short since I was in fucking Basic Training in the Army!

Dude I feel your pain. Have suffered through my share of bad haircuts mostly at the hands of those military hairdressers barbers whatever the fuck they call themselves these days. But it will grow out. Good luck.
I think it looks nice ;) HHNT
I think you look cute!
It will grow back. You boys are lucky. It doesn't take you as long to recover from a cut you don't like.
Happy HNT!
Oh BT I hate when that happens! But, it will grow back, buddy! LOL.....lol @ your cross outs too!
HHNT and hope Lori liked the cut!
I think it is a cute haircut!
You know it was worth it:)
Happy HNT!
Ears!! SO CUTE!
I am a sucker for ears. Well the good news is, sir, that it grows back.
I'm sorry. HHNT!
fuckers... but I love super short hair so I think ya look sexy!
hahah! Such a fun post! I think you're hair looks just fine short though...at least you don't have the mad scientist look going on anymore :)
Hey babe!
I loved this. You are so much fun Tony. :o)
Love you lots.
You still look sexy T. I have to say though, you had some freakin' awesome hair before - like the last haircut WOOHOO! :-)
At least hair grows back and well, just think of it as a summer cut, even if y'alls trees don't have any leaves yet! I don't think ours ever lost all theirs this year. ;-)
Happy HNT sexy guy.
I'll be honest. I like it. I think it looks good on you, but what I think matters not. At least you don't have to wait for 3 years for it to grow to the length you want it at, thats how long I've been growing mine, and I'm not done yet.
Aww, c'mon BT. It ain't so bad. It actually looks pretty good actually. Us old bastards with the thinning hair have to make do. My hair looks better short (I think) because I can comb it forward and cover that giant (balding) window's peak but the girls alway want it long so they can grab it and control me when they...um...HHNT!
PS for what it's worth I thought the mad profeesor look was working for you too so it's all good I say.
oh my, he really did hack you didn't he. it really looks ok though. i like the proper haircut, but this isn't sp bad really. HHNT
Actually, I like the brush cut - it's kind of sexy. And happy birthday to Brian.
Oh Tony...I'm loving that unhappy haircut photo of you...so cute:)
HHNT...don't worry....it grows back!
Give it 2 weeks...You may even learn to like the new style better. HHNT!
LOL... you're so damn funny!! Lord love ya. HHNT
hmmm....you may be tired of hearing this by now, but I think I like it... honestly... It's kinda hot!
Great post btw...
I agree with Lori, it was time for a trim. Next time you'll know to walk out when your regular stylist isn't around! I think it looks good, though :)
Happy HNT!
It doesn't look bad, you'll be thankful for it in the warm weather. Happy HNT!!
awe Fluffer nutter...you look cute and dare I say it....younger.
rub that soft short hair between her breasts and all will be forgiven.
Don't worry, it'll grow back!
Hey T...first of all, HHNT! secong, the new haircut looks better than the bedhead you had before! second, where did your EARS GO??
omg...too damn funny!! :)
Tony, you're cracking me up with those pictures!!! Tooo freakin funny!
The first one, you kinda look like Einstein LOL
now, don't pout... you're still cute & you're still gonna get some this weekend. Gotta love girlfriends :D
Happy HNT!
You know, I've seen the actual thing and I really wanted to run my hands through it. I kept my hands to myself.
I like it both ways. I like the caterpillar feel when it's short. You are hot no matter what your hair looks like!
You are such a doll!
And you were so adorable.
Now I have the song 'Soldier Boy' stuck in my head.
You know, I kind of like the look you had going on in the first picture. Kind of Jeckel meets Einstein! Happy HNT!
Oh man. WTF, your poor hair. It'll be a good looking cut in about 2 weeks. And the new haircut really brings out your eyes!
Hey Tony,
I just have to ask,
I mean no offence but what did you do? Grow into those ears? or have them tacked back? I can't imagine that it is just the haircut that made the difference.
You are so funny. That first picture of you is FREAKY! I think the hair cut is pretty good! Could be worse anyway....what does the girlfriend think?
Wow! That is short! I like it, though. I'm a sucker for that short straight look. Maybe I just like army style cuts.
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