Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Half-Nekked Thursday Presents

What a surpise when I see posted on my self pitying sick post, comments from TifaneyC and Blondie that they gave me HNT presents. I especially loved your gift ladies, so thank you very much.

I have so many of you wonderful people that I would love to buy HNT presents for, but since I can only pick three, and I can only pick for those I don't know that well, I pick TiffaneyC and Blonde because they gave me such nice gifts. TiffaneyC gave me a hot nurse to help me get through this FUCKING DISEASE who will be at my beck and call to take care of my every need” and gets naked to boot. Blonde gave me something I NEVER, EVER get tired of, BOOBIES. Did you know I just love boobies? Trust me, you kust have to check out Blondie's booboes this week because they are spectacular. Thank you ladies.

It was hard picking a third person because Os said it had to be someone I didn’t know very well, but I figured “fuck it”, rules are meant to be broken, so I picked the big man himself, Osbasso. I picked Os because if it weren’t for him, there would be no Half-Nekkid Thursday. If there weren’t any HNT, I would never have made such wonderful friends here in Bloggerville. If I hadn’t made such wonderful friends here in Bloggerville, my life would be so empty and getting through these last several months would have been so much harder. Thanks Os.

So for TiffaneyC, I give a gift certificate for One Years Worth of House Cleaning. I have a son that was little once, so I know how hard it is to keep up with the mess small ones make. I figured I’d hire six at once. That way they could be in and out in no time and not be in the way very long; five men and one French maid. I figured three of the guys would do the bulk of the work while the pool boy (I don’t know if you have a pool, but does that matter?) could be your eye candy. I got the French maid to keep hubbies eyes occupied so he wouldn’t see you checking out the pool boy. The guy on the unicycle is fun to watch and he can reach the high stuff for cleaning.

Now my gift for Blondie. I know Blondie has a little one too and could use the help around the house, but I didn’t want to get both her and TiffaneyC the same thing. So I got Blondie and all expense paid trip around the world so her, her little boy Jimmy and a few friends, could get away for awhile. There will also be a nanny coming along to take care of Jimmy so Blondie and her friends can enjoy themselves.

Os was easy to pick for after reading about his trip to Nashville. I got him Air Force One. Now Os can fly all around the world visiting all his HNT friends in luxury and not have to drive a million miles a week to visit them. There is lots of room if he wants to bring some of us along (HINT, HINT). Of course the name will be changed to better reflect the HNT theme, Os can decide what he’ll call it. It will be stocked with the finest food and beverages of every kind and staffed by a bevy of half-nekkid women and half-nekkid men of course for the ladies, so all the HNT passengers have a little eye candy to eat up.

Now here is my present for everyone else, my HNT post for this week. It’s really a present mostly for the ladies I suppose, but if a few guys get turned on, whatever floats your boat, I always say. So without further ado, a HNT BTExpress at 7 and again at 57.

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