Thursday, June 29, 2006

Unhappy HNT

GOOD NEWS! I got my computer back from repair and it works just fine. But that's about where the good news ends.

Yesterday my hard drive crashed. I had a new one and took it to someone to be repaired. I could have done the swap myself, but before I could make a Ghost copy of the mater drive to my slave drive, the master drive stopped functioning completely. I was hoping the repairman could do something to save my data.

The repairman called me late this afternoon and said he couldn't do anything to save my data, because the hard drive is shot. He told me he did install a new operating system and the computer was working fine. I pretty much knew that before I took it to him, but was hoping he could do something anyway. It cost me $200 for something I could have done myself. Oh well, lesson learned.

Some of the bad news is that I lost all my email records and email address book, my bookmarks for Firefox and also have to install a ton of software. You can see the stack of CD's I have to install in the picture above in addition to all the downloaded programs I use. There is some good news. I saved the downloaded program files on my slave drive. That means I don't have to download them again, just install them.

I also copied the bookmarks to my laptop right after I bought it, so I didn't loose most of them. I've copied them back to my desktop computer. I did loose some great bookmarks to some awesome porno movie sites I recently found. Great stuff. They have a lot of free 20 and 30 minute movies with excellent resolution and quality.

Now listen to me, I vow not to rest until I locate those sites again! I remember they were web sites in Denmark so at least I have it narrowed down to one country. I could have a long night ahead of me.

Sorry that the picture isn't of better quality. I only managed to take a couple of pictures before my camera battery died. At least I hope it just died and my camera didn't crap out too.


lime said...

oh man, i feel your pain. my hard drive bit the big one 18 months ago and nothing was retrievable. try to have a happy HNT nonetheless

lecram sinun said...

Ouch!, Sorry it went down... yeah, I've also got online backup for my data. Cheers and Happy HNT anyway!

Brown eyed girl said...

OOOOH... sorry.
Happy HNT!

barman said...

Happy hunting Tony. Glad you at least have somewhere to begin at. Happy LONG night HNT to you.

Sexy Duet said...

My hard drive died earlier this year but luckily I managed to retrieve most of the data from it. Happy HNT anway looking for those movie sites.

Debi said...

HHNT! :) xoxoxox

Wenchy said...

That is horrid! But then again, what more do you need but MY address? heheheheh

Sorry to you Tony. :(

Rebecca said...

Oh honey!! Sounds like we've both had a HELL of a week...hugs for better days ahead...


PS. Even unhappy you're a cutie!

Leesa said...

Oh man..bummer on that! HHNT ;)

BTExpress said...

Thanks everyone, your sympathy makes thing so much better. Becca's "cutie" comment helped a lot too. Thanks Becca!

Well, it's 1:30AM and I still haven't found the porno web sites I wanted to find. Finally figured out why MS Office wasn't loading though. Guess I'll take a break, fix me another gin and tonic and then look at some HNT posts to cheer me up. A lot of them are almost as good as porno anyway.

Sunny Delight said...

Oh wow! that sucks, things can only be going on the upside now hun! HHNT!

Anonymous said...

Damn Tony, when it rains it pours don't it. Good luck brother and remember ... save early and save often. HHNT

Michelle said...

awwwwwwwww it sucks when tht happens....ugh. I am sorry! :o(

HHNT anyway! :)

Blondie... said...

Damn sweetie... I'm sorry about that. I gave up on my last old pc (gateway/emachine) after 4 really bad crashes... I now have a really nice HP Media Center with AMD Athlon processor... Trust me, its sexy! ;-)

Happy HNT either way babe...

aughra said...

Awh, you poor baby. I hope you get everything loaded unto this one and start piecing together stuff. Happy HNT.

CozyMama said...


Beth said...

Bleh! Sorry, sugar! That SOOO sucks!

S said...

Oh man...........what a drag! I hope you get it all sorted out soon! HHNT TOny

Jericho said...

i keep saying that i am going to take precautions... in the event that happens to me... but nooooope... thanks for reminding me ;)

hope all proceeds well


clara* said...

poor thing! i'm flicking some good thoughts your way. yes that's right i said flicking. it's faster.

Libby said...

...this just reminds me that the stack of discs i keep in the desk drawer isn't really a waste of space...sorry tony!

Melissa said...

ooo shitty deal hun.

I went thru that nightmare a few months back. It blows big monkey balls dont it?

Not a big porno gal myself so I don't have that Dutch link but dayum I'm surprised none of the guys have been able to help you out *or at least as for the link when you find it*

well, you still like mahvalous dahlin and watch that glass by the keyboard mkay? We wouldn't want another incident.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that it is at least working, even if there is much work ahead in getting it back like you wanted.

Looks like nobody wants to come to Chicago with us - what's up with that?

Hope you HNT was happy!

Anonymous said...

By the way, that looks just like my tower!

Robin Alexa said...

Yeah that sucks...kinda like losing your wallet or purse or something.

The Middle Child said...

Happy unhappy HNT...late.

Superstar said...

I think you may have had my ex roomie at your house. She downloaded so many viruses to my OLD (emphisis on the OLD part) computer...that it crashed. Then in her twisted mind...some crack smokin "friend of a friend" was going to fix it! nEEDLESS TO SAY i NOW HAVE A 2000 THAT is a hand me down from my sister. My water boils faster!!!

Read your site. Good stuff here.

Tish said...

Sorry to hear about the computer. I hope everything else is going well though. :)