Then check out this video from the Fresno/Clovis Haunted House web site. If your in the Fresno area, get your fright on in October when they open the haunted house.
Posted at the request of a good friend, Solitare. Check out her web site too.
My little corner of the internet here is the place where I post things that are on my mind.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I'm Defective HNT
Who'd a thunk it? I'm defective. I have high blood pressure. I told the doctors that it varies up and down, so they, he, decided to give me a 24-hour blood pressure monitor. He wanted to see what was up. So he gives me the monitor. He tells me that every hour on the hour the monitor will take my blood pressure.
That meant, day and night, this stupid blood pressure cuff would blow up and deflate. Around the clock. Interrupting my sleep. Hour upon hour. Around the fucking clock! That's right. Around the fucking clock. Interrupting my fucking sleep. Hour upon fucking hour. Around the fucking clock!
I already wake up at least 300 times a night due to my severe sleep apnea. I sure didn't need this.
I looked at the display each time the monitor went off. The top number varied from a high of 153 to a low of 113. See, I told them, him, that it varied.
Don't tell anyone, but the 153 was during my daily self-snuggling.
Anyway. Here I am trying to figure out the display during one of the tests. Yep, 153.

Hey, I'm naked! What else do you expect me to be doing when I'm naked. AND Lori is at work.. Now if she was here and I was naked, she'd be naked and we'd be ........ uh, snuggling.
That meant, day and night, this stupid blood pressure cuff would blow up and deflate. Around the clock. Interrupting my sleep. Hour upon hour. Around the fucking clock! That's right. Around the fucking clock. Interrupting my fucking sleep. Hour upon fucking hour. Around the fucking clock!
I already wake up at least 300 times a night due to my severe sleep apnea. I sure didn't need this.
I looked at the display each time the monitor went off. The top number varied from a high of 153 to a low of 113. See, I told them, him, that it varied.
Anyway. Here I am trying to figure out the display during one of the tests. Yep, 153.

Hey, I'm naked! What else do you expect me to be doing when I'm naked. AND Lori is at work.. Now if she was here and I was naked, she'd be naked and we'd be ........ uh, snuggling.
Happy Defective HNT!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Sweet Melissa
Melissa is a young singer that lives not too far from me here on Long Island. Melissa's manager has been trying to spread the word about her singing and the one way he chose, was with a Melissa's music MySpace web page. Lori made Melissa a MySpace friend first and told me about her. I made her a friend too, not because she's a hot, sexy young women, okay, maybe that had a little bit to do with it, but because she sings country music. I really like country music.
We found out that Melissa was going to be singing at a local restaurant, Villa Monanco's, so I made dinner reservations and we went there for dinner Saturday night.
The waiter was very efficient and funny to boot.
We ordered and then Lori got up to take some pictures. Here I am impatiently waiting for dinner.
We split a salad with a little bit of cold antipasti mixed in. Not exactly fat free, but hey, we were on a date.
Lori forgot to take pictures of our main course before we ate them, but here's what's left after we finished eating.
I had veal marsalla with roasted potatoes and mixed veggies.
Okay, that wasn't fat free either, but get over it! Now stop bugging me about not eating 100% fat free!
Lori had shrimp Francaise over pasta. I think she liked it. LOL
With dinner complete, we waited for Melissa to start singing. While we waited, the man that set up for Melissa came over to our table and told us he thought he knew us from somewhere. Then asked us if it was from MySpace. I told him yes and he introduced himself as Melissa's manager, Johnny D.
Here's Johnny D and me.
I've been exchanging messages with Melissa and Johnny D for a month or more. She'd won a couple of big singing competitions, tried out for American Idol, sang at Villa Monaco's and also is singing next month at the place Lori works, the Atlantis Marine World aquarium.
Johnny D told us he recognized us from our pictures on MySpace so wanted to come by, introduce himself and thank us for coming to support Melissa. Lori and I joked that I must be famous, if he recognized me. LOL
Melissa finally came on and sang, sang like a professional and as good as anyone you've ever heard. That is, considering it was with a karaoke machine, a simple amp and a mic.
Here she is posing for Lori, showing off her sexy legs.
After her first set we introduced ourselves to her, so she knew we showed up like I said we would. Her mother took this picture of the three of us.

Johnny D came over a few times to chat, which peeked the wait staff's interest. Two of them came over to tell me how much they enjoyed her singing and asked if I knew her or was I a relative. I guess they thought I was a famous person too. LOL
We stayed until about 11:00 and really had a great time. She really is a terrific singer, which, IMO, has a future in music ahead of her. That is if she catches the right breaks or has someone with influence that takes a liking to her music.
Here's a short video Lori took of her singing to give you an idea of how well she sings.
Last week Melissa and Johnny D went to New Jersey so she could audition for American Idol. To bad, but she wasn't selected. The same day a girl Lori works with also went to try out. She was there for what seemed like forever and then finally got a call to audition. They did that in groups of four. She was in a group with two other girls and a nut dressed up in a stupid costume. The three girls sang well, but were rejected. The nut in the costume sang like shit and danced a stupid dance. Just plain made a fool of himself. He was picked to move to the next round and audition for the producers. I guess the best singer doesn't really win American Idol after all. Too bad. :-(

Lori forgot to take pictures of our main course before we ate them, but here's what's left after we finished eating.

Okay, that wasn't fat free either, but get over it! Now stop bugging me about not eating 100% fat free!

With dinner complete, we waited for Melissa to start singing. While we waited, the man that set up for Melissa came over to our table and told us he thought he knew us from somewhere. Then asked us if it was from MySpace. I told him yes and he introduced himself as Melissa's manager, Johnny D.

I've been exchanging messages with Melissa and Johnny D for a month or more. She'd won a couple of big singing competitions, tried out for American Idol, sang at Villa Monaco's and also is singing next month at the place Lori works, the Atlantis Marine World aquarium.
Johnny D told us he recognized us from our pictures on MySpace so wanted to come by, introduce himself and thank us for coming to support Melissa. Lori and I joked that I must be famous, if he recognized me. LOL

After her first set we introduced ourselves to her, so she knew we showed up like I said we would. Her mother took this picture of the three of us.

Johnny D came over a few times to chat, which peeked the wait staff's interest. Two of them came over to tell me how much they enjoyed her singing and asked if I knew her or was I a relative. I guess they thought I was a famous person too. LOL
We stayed until about 11:00 and really had a great time. She really is a terrific singer, which, IMO, has a future in music ahead of her. That is if she catches the right breaks or has someone with influence that takes a liking to her music.
Here's a short video Lori took of her singing to give you an idea of how well she sings.
Last week Melissa and Johnny D went to New Jersey so she could audition for American Idol. To bad, but she wasn't selected. The same day a girl Lori works with also went to try out. She was there for what seemed like forever and then finally got a call to audition. They did that in groups of four. She was in a group with two other girls and a nut dressed up in a stupid costume. The three girls sang well, but were rejected. The nut in the costume sang like shit and danced a stupid dance. Just plain made a fool of himself. He was picked to move to the next round and audition for the producers. I guess the best singer doesn't really win American Idol after all. Too bad. :-(
Friday, August 22, 2008
Easy Recipe for You
I went to the cardiologist this week and he wants me on a fat free diet, low in cholesterol. The BUM! But I know it's for my own good, so yesterday I stocked up on $199 of healthy crap, I mean food at the super market. Things like fruit, whole grain stuff, fat free stuff like cheese and milk. I even bought fat free cottage cheese with pineapple. I love it that way. That's one of the dinners my mom made for us when we were living in Jacksonville Florida. The $60 a week she made didn't go very far, so that and eggs or pancakes was our dinner very often.
Last night I had a craving for fish, so picked up a piece of fresh cod at the market. I didn't know how I was going to prepare it, but knew I'd figure out something. After I put away the groceries, I had an idea. I didn't used a recipe, just made it up as I went.
It was really good and I highly recommend it! Let me know if you make it and how it was. I'd also like to know if you didn't like it or if you can suggest any changes. One can always use some pointers.
Last night I had a craving for fish, so picked up a piece of fresh cod at the market. I didn't know how I was going to prepare it, but knew I'd figure out something. After I put away the groceries, I had an idea. I didn't used a recipe, just made it up as I went.
- First I made a gin & tonic, but you already knew that is always the first step when I cook.
- I wanted pasta, so put on a pot of water.
- While I waited for that to come to a boil I prepared the sauce.
- I put a little EVOO in the pan and sauteed a lot of garlic. I love garlic!
- Then I tossed in a handful of fresh basil from my Aero Garden. I cut it up with scissors.
- Then dumped in a can of chopped tomatoes (No Salt Added).
- and a small can of black olives.
- I would have added capers, but ran out darn it, so add 'em if you got 'em, about 1/2 tablespoon should do. But chop them first.
- Then I sprinkled it with oregano, no salt, but a little, no a lot, of fresh ground pepper.
- Covered and lowered to medium.
- By now the water was boiling, so I tossed in the pasta. Note: Put a table spoon or two of EVOO in the water, because it helps to keep the water from boiling over for some reason. It has something to do with surface tension of the water. I saw the tip on the Food Network, I think it was Alton Brown.
- Next I placed the fresh cod in the pan with the sauce. I spooned some of the sauce over the cod and covered the pan until the fish was flaky, about ten minutes turning once after about 5 minutes and lowered it to simmer.
- The pasta was done after ten minutes and so was the fish.
- I plated the pasta.
- Then gently removed the cod from the pan with a spatula and placed it on the pasta.
- Then I spooned the sauce over top of that.
- The finally sprinkled it with some Romano cheese. No the cheese isn't fat free, but it was only a little and just for taste.
It was really good and I highly recommend it! Let me know if you make it and how it was. I'd also like to know if you didn't like it or if you can suggest any changes. One can always use some pointers.
Have a Great Weekend!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
An Icy HNT!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Lets see, where do I start?
I know, I'll start with last Wednesday! Lori came over after work and we went out for all-you-can-eat-snow-crab-legs. Dinner was great as always and we saw our new favorite bartender, Liz. We didn't stay like we usually do, but that was fine, Lori was staying with me the rest of the week, so that made up for it.
Thursday, what happened Thursday? Oh ya, we had pizza for dinner, snuggled and then watched the Olympics. How about that Michael Phelps? Then there is the women's gymnastics, women's beach volleyball, women's team volleyball, women's diving, women's track and field and any other women's events there are. How about those women, huh?
Friday Patchogue was holding it last shut-down-main-street street fair for the season. We met up with Lori's son, his girl friend and her three kids (the one's we baby sat for), Lori's daughter Beth and our friend Anne Marie and two of her kids. We all had a lot of fun! The first stop was the Brick House Brewery for a beer and then we walked around. I bought a few things here and there and had another beer or two. We said our goodbyes and then Lori, me, Anne Marie and two of her kids went back to Popei's for a snack, which is where Lori and I were on Wednesday.
Saturday Lori and I started the day as usual and then just hung out and stayed in bed on our laptops the rest of the day. We were suppoed to run a bunch of errands, but shit happens!
Sunday we spent the day doing a lot of running around. Wednesday Lori and a friend she works with are hosting a sex toy party at Lori's place and there were things to buy for that. I cooked dinner that night. BBQ'd brats, baked beans, fresh tomato salad, fresh corn on the cob and chips. Excellent if I do say so myself.
That brings me to today, Monday. I spent a good portion of the day running errands.
*First I went to Staples and made some copies of paper work I needed for my variance.
*Then I went to the bank to get some papers notarized.
*Then I went to town hall with all the paperwork to be told they couldn't accept it, because the notary didn't sign the papers, just stamped them.
*Then it was back to bank to get notary to sign papers.
*Then it was back to town hall where everything was in order, BUT they needed a $125 fee (no one ever told me that and it wasn't on anything I read)I gave the lady last of my money (Ewwwwwwwwww, just had enough!)
*Then I drove a 1/2 hour to the guy making my vanity top for the half bath. I dropped off the sink and two more that he was kind enough to offer to sell for me. marble guy and gave them the sinks (will call tomorrow with delivery date, but will be soon).
*Then finally back home!
Oh ya! The lady in the Zoning Appeals Board office told me that I would receive a letter in the mail with the date and time for my variance hearing. The hearing would be in about SIX FUCKING WEEKS!!!!! Yes, SIX FUCKING WEEKS!!!!!
No wonder people just do things without permits! FUCKING BURACRACY!!!!!!
Thursday, what happened Thursday? Oh ya, we had pizza for dinner, snuggled and then watched the Olympics. How about that Michael Phelps? Then there is the women's gymnastics, women's beach volleyball, women's team volleyball, women's diving, women's track and field and any other women's events there are. How about those women, huh?
Friday Patchogue was holding it last shut-down-main-street street fair for the season. We met up with Lori's son, his girl friend and her three kids (the one's we baby sat for), Lori's daughter Beth and our friend Anne Marie and two of her kids. We all had a lot of fun! The first stop was the Brick House Brewery for a beer and then we walked around. I bought a few things here and there and had another beer or two. We said our goodbyes and then Lori, me, Anne Marie and two of her kids went back to Popei's for a snack, which is where Lori and I were on Wednesday.
Saturday Lori and I started the day as usual and then just hung out and stayed in bed on our laptops the rest of the day. We were suppoed to run a bunch of errands, but shit happens!
Sunday we spent the day doing a lot of running around. Wednesday Lori and a friend she works with are hosting a sex toy party at Lori's place and there were things to buy for that. I cooked dinner that night. BBQ'd brats, baked beans, fresh tomato salad, fresh corn on the cob and chips. Excellent if I do say so myself.
That brings me to today, Monday. I spent a good portion of the day running errands.
*First I went to Staples and made some copies of paper work I needed for my variance.
*Then I went to the bank to get some papers notarized.
*Then I went to town hall with all the paperwork to be told they couldn't accept it, because the notary didn't sign the papers, just stamped them.
*Then it was back to bank to get notary to sign papers.
*Then it was back to town hall where everything was in order, BUT they needed a $125 fee (no one ever told me that and it wasn't on anything I read)I gave the lady last of my money (Ewwwwwwwwww, just had enough!)
*Then I drove a 1/2 hour to the guy making my vanity top for the half bath. I dropped off the sink and two more that he was kind enough to offer to sell for me. marble guy and gave them the sinks (will call tomorrow with delivery date, but will be soon).
*Then finally back home!
Oh ya! The lady in the Zoning Appeals Board office told me that I would receive a letter in the mail with the date and time for my variance hearing. The hearing would be in about SIX FUCKING WEEKS!!!!! Yes, SIX FUCKING WEEKS!!!!!
No wonder people just do things without permits! FUCKING BURACRACY!!!!!!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
More Actual Physical Labor HNT

Along with that, I had a swimming pool heater installed. I live in New York, so the swimming season is shorter than I'd like it to be, so a heater it is.

Now that I was finally ready to open the pool, that meant I had to get the pool opened and the area around the pool ready for habitation. That burden fell on me. So every day since last Thursday, I have been outside doing actual physical labor.
No, really, actual physical labor.
I also got the pool heater started. After just 3 hours, the water temp had reached an acceptable temp of 80 degrees.

FINALLY! After all those days of actual physical labor, I was done and it was time to celebrate.

BUMMER DUDE! Now I just have to clean up. As you all well know, I hate cleaning.
My baby has posted her own HNT this week. Please stop by for a snack that I'm sure you'll enjoy.
My baby has posted her own HNT this week. Please stop by for a snack that I'm sure you'll enjoy.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Yes Ann Marie........
........I'm actually doing physical labor. Today was another day of actual work. It started at noon with moving the last bit of soil from the trench dug for the new pool filter location. Then I got the weed whacker and cut down massive amounts of weeds in the front planters, old garden planter and all around the pool. At one point the weed whacker ran out of cord, so I had to run my errands.
Then it was a stop at the hardware store for grass seed and weed killer. Next was a stop at the plumbing supply house to exchange a few parts for the pressure relief valve on the pool heater. The last stop was the pool store for a new brush and a vacuum head.
More weed whacking and then found out Brian had thrown out the leaf blower attachments. There has just been too much cleaning to my liking. I knew there was a reason I was lazy and never threw out anything. Then it was off to the hardware store to buy a new leaf blower.
By now I'm back home again blowing the weed debris. SOB! That blew tons of crap into the pool. Looks like tomorrow I vacuum the pool again. Oh well, looks like I have to do more actual physical labor again.
Sorry Sam. I just don't have time to take pics.
Then it was a stop at the hardware store for grass seed and weed killer. Next was a stop at the plumbing supply house to exchange a few parts for the pressure relief valve on the pool heater. The last stop was the pool store for a new brush and a vacuum head.
More weed whacking and then found out Brian had thrown out the leaf blower attachments. There has just been too much cleaning to my liking. I knew there was a reason I was lazy and never threw out anything. Then it was off to the hardware store to buy a new leaf blower.
By now I'm back home again blowing the weed debris. SOB! That blew tons of crap into the pool. Looks like tomorrow I vacuum the pool again. Oh well, looks like I have to do more actual physical labor again.
Sorry Sam. I just don't have time to take pics.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
I finally got my swimming pool open on Saturday. I was waiting for the pool heater to be installed and the pool filter to be moved to the new location. I had to get the filter moved, because the heater had to be at least 5 feet from the property line according to code. The filter in right next to the fence. So I had the heater and filter moved over next to the house between the bedroom windows. I like them better over there because they don't show from the deck in the back yard.
Saturday afternoon, after the glue on the plumbing had cured overnight, I got to work on setting up the filter. That took about an hour and then I was ready to plug in the filter pump motor into the new timer and test the new installation. WTF? The electrician installed the wrong outlet. WTF! I told him I needed a 220v outlet and he installed a 115v one. The frigging pump was right there too. I tried to get a hold of someone to get the plug changed, but by then it was too late in the day and no one was checking their voice mails. I decided not to wait until Monday for someone to call me back and change it myself.
Don't worry, I'm qualified. I've been doing my own electrical work, plumbing and general home repairs since I was a teenager. My father turned our two-car garage into and apartment for his in laws and made us four boys help him. I am very grateful now for that too. I wasn't grateful then so much, but over the years the skills he taught me, have proven many times to be very useful.
So Saturday, after our usual Saturday and Sunday morning routine (i.e., snuggling, coffee, breakfast and laptops in bed) I went up to the hardware store and bought the correct outlet. I changed it, plugged in the pump motor and turned on the timer. SUCCESS! I left the filter running for a few hours and then we went up to the pool supply store to have the water tested and get the chemical I needed to get the water ready. That's pretty much where it stands now.
Tomorrow I'll clean and vacuum the pool and get the water tested again. It usually takes two tests when I open the pool to get the water just right. I also have to buy a couple of more of the chemicals I ran out of and more DE power for the filter. Once the water is all ready for swimming, I'll start the pool heater and see how that works. I also have to fold up the winter cover and take it out for the trash. It's shot and needs to be replaced. Then empty the water bags that hold down the cover and weed around the pool.
You know something, this pool stuff is a lot like actual work. Anyone want to help with the rest? I'll let you come swimming and even cook for you, give you beer or make you a bunch of my infamous gin & tonics. You even be my BFF!
Saturday afternoon, after the glue on the plumbing had cured overnight, I got to work on setting up the filter. That took about an hour and then I was ready to plug in the filter pump motor into the new timer and test the new installation. WTF? The electrician installed the wrong outlet. WTF! I told him I needed a 220v outlet and he installed a 115v one. The frigging pump was right there too. I tried to get a hold of someone to get the plug changed, but by then it was too late in the day and no one was checking their voice mails. I decided not to wait until Monday for someone to call me back and change it myself.
Don't worry, I'm qualified. I've been doing my own electrical work, plumbing and general home repairs since I was a teenager. My father turned our two-car garage into and apartment for his in laws and made us four boys help him. I am very grateful now for that too. I wasn't grateful then so much, but over the years the skills he taught me, have proven many times to be very useful.
So Saturday, after our usual Saturday and Sunday morning routine (i.e., snuggling, coffee, breakfast and laptops in bed) I went up to the hardware store and bought the correct outlet. I changed it, plugged in the pump motor and turned on the timer. SUCCESS! I left the filter running for a few hours and then we went up to the pool supply store to have the water tested and get the chemical I needed to get the water ready. That's pretty much where it stands now.
Tomorrow I'll clean and vacuum the pool and get the water tested again. It usually takes two tests when I open the pool to get the water just right. I also have to buy a couple of more of the chemicals I ran out of and more DE power for the filter. Once the water is all ready for swimming, I'll start the pool heater and see how that works. I also have to fold up the winter cover and take it out for the trash. It's shot and needs to be replaced. Then empty the water bags that hold down the cover and weed around the pool.
You know something, this pool stuff is a lot like actual work. Anyone want to help with the rest? I'll let you come swimming and even cook for you, give you beer or make you a bunch of my infamous gin & tonics. You even be my BFF!
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Grandpa HNT
Last night Lori and I baby sat for Lori's son's girl friend's kids so they could go out to dinner. Things are VERY serious with all of us. I guess you could say we are family. Being family there comes certain responsibilities like baby sitting one's kids and grand kids. Last night was baby sitting the grand kids. The one boy just turned 4 and the other two are two year old twins; one boy and one girl.
I was told that the twins go to sleep at 6:30, so I figured baby sitting would be a piece of cake. LMAO!!!!!!! Sleep? Not a chance.

We are plum tuckered out by this point. Even the 4 YO brother.

Finally the twins were put in bed. I said "night, night", but that was far from night night. Two year olds do not want to go to sleep when the grand parents are baby sitting.
That was followed by crying and crying, screaming and screaming and crying and screaming. Obviously the babies didn't want to go to sleep.
Finally they did quiet down and go to sleep and I took a well deserved nap.

I napped for 30 minutes. That nap was interupted by the mom and her boy friend; THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally they were home. They owe me BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All said, I love these grand kids like they are my own.
I was told that the twins go to sleep at 6:30, so I figured baby sitting would be a piece of cake. LMAO!!!!!!! Sleep? Not a chance.

We are plum tuckered out by this point. Even the 4 YO brother.

Finally the twins were put in bed. I said "night, night", but that was far from night night. Two year olds do not want to go to sleep when the grand parents are baby sitting.
That was followed by crying and crying, screaming and screaming and crying and screaming. Obviously the babies didn't want to go to sleep.
Finally they did quiet down and go to sleep and I took a well deserved nap.

I napped for 30 minutes. That nap was interupted by the mom and her boy friend; THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally they were home. They owe me BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All said, I love these grand kids like they are my own.
Happy Grandpa HNT!
Monday, August 04, 2008
My Life - Good News/Bad News Update
First, the good news.
Hi y'all! I hope all is well. Yesterday was Lori's %$th birthday. Being a chick, she wasn't too happy to be turning %$, but them's the breaks, because we are all aging as we speak. It was a good day. We started of the day with me getting a (fill in the blank with what you think and your probably correct). In the afternoon we went to the town pool across the street from Lori's place with her, her three kids, her son's girl friend and her son's girl friends three kids (4yo and 20 month old twins). Then back to Lori's for a pulled pork dinner that Lori and I made the day before. It was very tasty if I do say myself.
Now for the bad news.
My building permit application for my outdoor project was denied. It's a very long story to try and explain why, so I'll try to make it short.
I put in my in the ground pool in 1985. I have a concrete block wall pool, so was able to get them to build the wall on ground level, so I could walk out my back door onto my deck and right into the pool which was at deck level. The pool company got all the permits, the building inspector approved the completed project and everyone has been happy until now!
It seems that there wasn't a permit for the retaining wall around the pool and for what the town NOW calls a pool patio around the pool, nor for my deck, which by the way, was on the house when I bought it in 1977! HELLO!!!! It was on the fucking house when I bought it!!!! So now why all of a sudden is it a problem 31 years later!!!!!!???????????
That being said, I have to apply for a variance for something that has been there for 23 fucking years and should have been approved 23 fucking years ago if I, the building inspector in 1985 or the pool company knew what the fuck we were doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went down to town hall this afternoon and spoke to the building inspector, the woman in the tax accessors office and the woman in the planning board office. Everyone was very, very helpful and sympathic to my plight. They gave me the bizillion forms I needed and a list of the other bizillion forms I need to get. The building inspector even helped me word the letter I need to submit with my application.
Wish me luck!
Now for more good news.
Lori is staying with me this week, so I'll be snuggling A LOT, instead of masturbating. How cool is that?
Hi y'all! I hope all is well. Yesterday was Lori's %$th birthday. Being a chick, she wasn't too happy to be turning %$, but them's the breaks, because we are all aging as we speak. It was a good day. We started of the day with me getting a (fill in the blank with what you think and your probably correct). In the afternoon we went to the town pool across the street from Lori's place with her, her three kids, her son's girl friend and her son's girl friends three kids (4yo and 20 month old twins). Then back to Lori's for a pulled pork dinner that Lori and I made the day before. It was very tasty if I do say myself.
Now for the bad news.
My building permit application for my outdoor project was denied. It's a very long story to try and explain why, so I'll try to make it short.
I put in my in the ground pool in 1985. I have a concrete block wall pool, so was able to get them to build the wall on ground level, so I could walk out my back door onto my deck and right into the pool which was at deck level. The pool company got all the permits, the building inspector approved the completed project and everyone has been happy until now!
It seems that there wasn't a permit for the retaining wall around the pool and for what the town NOW calls a pool patio around the pool, nor for my deck, which by the way, was on the house when I bought it in 1977! HELLO!!!! It was on the fucking house when I bought it!!!! So now why all of a sudden is it a problem 31 years later!!!!!!???????????
That being said, I have to apply for a variance for something that has been there for 23 fucking years and should have been approved 23 fucking years ago if I, the building inspector in 1985 or the pool company knew what the fuck we were doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went down to town hall this afternoon and spoke to the building inspector, the woman in the tax accessors office and the woman in the planning board office. Everyone was very, very helpful and sympathic to my plight. They gave me the bizillion forms I needed and a list of the other bizillion forms I need to get. The building inspector even helped me word the letter I need to submit with my application.
Wish me luck!
Now for more good news.
Lori is staying with me this week, so I'll be snuggling A LOT, instead of masturbating. How cool is that?
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