I decided we would take the train into the City and then take the subway to the studio. I’ve been into the City many times and found that this is really the best way in my opinion. The LIRR trains runs at least every half-hour throughout the day, so getting in and out of the City pretty much whenever you want is a snap. It doesn’t hurt that during the evening rush hour, the LIRR sells beverages on the platforms for you to take on the train and at $2.00 a beer and $5.00 a huge mixed drink it’s a good deal. Also the subway trains run every few minutes and getting around is fast and safe (regardless if what you’ve heard).

Grand Central Terminal is everything and more than I’ve ever heard. Marble walls and floors, hell, the entire place looks like it was made of marble. Lori asked me to guess what this place cost, but I told her I had no idea.
FYI – I looked it up today, it originally cost $80 million and in today’s dollars, that would be over $2 billion. The place declined and over the years another $500 million here and there to bring it back to it’s original shape. Grand Central is a site to see and if you’re ever in New York City, you have to see the place.

We took a walk downstairs to make another pit stop be we knew we would be staying in line for at least an hour before going in to the show. It wasn’t that easy finding our way around and took a few wrong turns before finding the bathrooms.
After that, we went back upstairs and wandered a bit before finding our way up to Lexington Avenue. Okay, now did we have to go left or right to 3rd street? Left we were told. Thanks, and now that we’re at 3rd street, which way to east 44th? Right this time. Good, there it is. We’re almost there.

Right on time at 2:30, two young woman came out and started checking names off of the reservation list. Once in a while they picked groups of people out of the line and sent them right up to the front and sent them inside. We were told that these people were VIPs and probably knew someone at the show or had a few other connections. One of the women got to us and asked our name. Yep, your on the list, so she checked us off. Cool! We’re on the list!
The started sending in people to the studio and the line kept getting shorter and we got closer to the door. One of the women took a head count and spoke to a bunch of people at the end of the line. “I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but there isn’t enough room in the studio to hold everyone. So from here back” she stuck her arm in front of someone a couple of groups behind us, “you won’t be able to see the show today.”
Man, the look of disappointment they had. They came all this way and even stood in the misty rain and now won’t get to see the show. I felt so badly for them. But not so bad as we were still in line and going to get in.
The woman continued, “But if you want to come back sometime before April, we will issue you VIP passes that will guarantee you entrance, without having to stand on line.”
So that’s why some people were sent right up front to go in, they had been denied entrance before and now were VIPs!
The woman finished the speech she must have said a numerous times before. “Here are the instructions for requesting the tickets by email. Again I’m sorry, but as we said in the paperwork you received, this is first come first served. Thank you for taking the time to come here today. We hope to see you again.”
The people took the paper from the woman and with heads bowed, walked off mumbling and grumbling about what could have been.

HOLY CRAP! We didn’t get in either! We came all this way and even stood in the misty rain and now won’t get to see the show. I felt so badly for Lori and I. That when Lori spoke up, “I lost a days pay for this.” The man standing behind her frowned, shook his head and said “Me too.”
I took the paper from the woman and tucked it into my pocket. Lori said, “We’ll just have to come back in April when the weather is warmer.
As Lori and I walked away, I heard the woman tell the group in front of where we were standing, “I’m not sure if there is enough room for your group yet, so you still may not get in. They are taking a final count now.”
I smiled a little smile, because dammit! They didn’t obey the rules and were wearing jeans, and flashy colors! I was secretly hoping they didn’t get in either.
Lori and I decided just to go back to Grand Central Terminal and get something to eat before taking the train home. It was colder now and raining slightly. It wouldn’t be any fun walking around Time Square, which was what I wanted to do.
We found our way back to Grand Central and made a pit stop downstairs in the food concourse. We’d decided to find a bar that served food to drown our sorrows for not getting in to the show.

Then we were off to find Penn Station and the LIRR. First a pit stop and then we wandered around looking for the downtown S train. Well, I wandered and Lori followed patiently. That found and one stop later we got off at Time Square and caught the 1 train to Penn Station.

*************The End*************
Edit: I forgot to tell you something. When we were waiting on line, a couple of women came out after seeing the first taping. They were so excited and practically jumping up and down yelling. It seems that some company gave Rachael tickets for a cruise to give to EVERYONE in the audience! Can you fucking believe it!? Cruise tickets! What lucky stiffs! I sure hope we get something at least that good when we finally get to see her show. Hmmmmmmm......... what do I want tickets for? :-D Naw, Rachael would never agree to that............. or would she? :-D
AWWWWW man!!! What a bunch of crap! I feel terrible for the two of you. Well come April...you can walk to the head of the line be and treated like the VIPs you are! But hey, you both made the most of it and had some fun anyway.
xo to you both
Awwwwwww! You should've stomped your feet and shouted... you know, had a Herman Munster tantrum. I'm glad you two made the most of the day anyway.
I'm sorry you didn't get to see our beloved RR, but look at it this way...you get to be a VIP! How exciting is that? MAYBE...just maybe you will get to meet RR when you finally do attend a taping...pretty sweet.
Sorry ya'll didn't get to see Rachel. I would be pee-ode. Especially how far I'd have to come *giggles*. April will be better. Now I know that if I ever go to one of these tapings. I'll get there 3-4 hours early:-).
now why in the hell do they give out so many tickets when they know they can't accomodate everyone? that's just assinine and only breeds the disappointment you and lori had. i'm sorry it didn't work out but i hope in april you guys get doubly rewarded for your troubles.
AH man that sucks that you guys didnt get to get in. They need a better system I think!!! OH well,at least next time you ar VIPs! Little consolation but still...... :)
That sucks for you guys. I only hope she is still on the air in April.
Racheal Ray??? ON PURPOSE???
what a major bummer. I was so excited for you. At least you can get in next time. But why the wait until April?
Well I hope it just means that it will be so much BETTER in April. I would have been so-o-o-o pissed. I hate incompetence.
P.S. Y'all are too cute even with frowns!
hehehe I think perhaps you guys had fun on your adventure even if you didnt get to see the show..
and screw the cruise write up a request for the tickets you really want!
Love you guys!
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