Tonight the show is from Birmingham Alabama. I checked out the
American Idol web site and looked at some of the pictures of tonights competitors.

Maybe they will pick one of these guys...

Our her. :-P

Now the guy with the bird shit on his hat is a strong candidate, because I hear one of the judges (and I'm not telling you which one) is into poop.

Now the drum major is sure to get a lot of attention, so maybe they'll send him to Hollywood.

Oooooo, I think this pretty young lady
with the nice cleavage just moved to the top of my list! I sure hope she
and her boobs makes it to Hollywood!
Enjoy the show!
Watch it Tony, that last guy does not seem to like you staring at the pretty young lady [strike]with the nice cleavage[/strike]. OK, maybe I have to watch tonight.
I Missed it I didnt even get to tape it oh well.
hahaha, i liked the guy at the end of the show. he was pretty funny.
I heart American Idol. How about the 50 yr old Big Bird? The guy from Greenville,SC really surprised me. You should definitely get your fill of breasteses on Idol :)
I can't believe that I have missed almost the whole season so far! I saw the first two nights....
I love that show. I take a lot of heat over it too.
Pssst. It's me crabby. We're looking for a new name for me over at the field that's not a seafood.
tony-so far, i havent seen anyone who deserves to go farther!!
I just found out we have a DVR and "R" recorded last nights episode for me...WOOOHOOOO!!!!
I'll show you boobies........
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