Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Insert Tab A into Slot B

Just like most of you have, we had unbearably hot weather in the high 90s the last couple of days. I am fortunate enough to have air conditioning in the house and a swimming pool, but where Lori was over the weekend, they did not.

Like I mentioned in a previous post, Lori was visiting her brother in Connecticut over the weekend. They don't like air conditioning so they don't have it in the house or even like to run it when they are driving in the car. So poor Lori roasted and sweated the entire time she was there.

Monday she got back home an after dropping her daughter off at the house, she came over to my place and stayed until this morning. She has work today, but will be back here again Friday right after work.

Speaking of Lori, we had a great time the last couple of days as we always do. AS soon as she arrived on Monday, we took her stuff into the bedroom. She laid down on the bed and said, "Come here so I can give you a proper greeting." Two hours later we got or bathing suits on and went swimming in the pool. We spent the next six hours in the pool swimming, eating, drinking and of course, snuggling. I have pictures, but will save them for my HNT post this week.

(ATTENTION BARMAN!!! Lori loved the comment you made on our HNT post last week, so she had me take a picture especially for you. ;-) )

Around 5:30 my son Brian got home from work and had a couple friends with him. Shortly after that, his girl friend Cheryl came over. We spent the next couple of hours swimming and talking. This was the first time my son has spent any appreciable time together with Lori and I. He's always been polite, but hasn't stuck around very much when she's around, but this time was completely different. The next evening they talked even more. I asked Cheryl about it, and she told me Brian was getting used to Lori and I being together. I hope this is a sign he has finally accepted that she is going to be with me for the long term.

The next day we got up and it was even hotter than the day before. I was tired of floating around on those plastic "noodle" we have so we went shopping for pool chairs. I couldn't believe how expensive those things were. We went to three places before I found some that were somewhat reasonably priced. The first place we went had several nice ones to choose from if you wanted to spend anywhere from $150 to $200. The second place had some for between $250 and $400. The third place had some on sale so I bought two of them. One for me and one for Lori.

Then came the fun part, putting them together. I unpacked the parts and got the screw driver.

Then tried putting them together..."WTF DOES THIS MEAN!"

I finally got one together and just had to give it a try before putting the second one together.

I put the second one together wrong and had to take it back apart. I got it right on the second try and Lori finally had a chair for her too.

The pool needed to be cleaned, but it was too hot, so we lounged around in the pool until the sun went behind some trees later that afternoon. Lori wanted to do the actual vacuuming, so I set it up and showed her how to do it and then she took over and cleaned the whole pool. Look at how clean she got it. "GREAT JOB LORI!"

Lori did such a great job, I hereby proclaim her as the Official BTExpress Pool Cleaner!

Lori, that storm last night made quite a mess. The pool is a mess again and really needs cleaning? I know how much you enjoyed cleaning it and don't want to spoil your fun, so how soon can you get over here? Huh Lori... baby, sweetheart, beautiful, hot, sexy... :-)


No One In Particular said...

High 90's? That would be a cold front here!

Was 104 yesterday...

barman said...

Oh that pool looks to good. You are going to get me over there yet. And you probably still have that deck that needs looking after...

gab said...

Great job on getting the chairs put together. Pool looks so vool and inviting. Lucky you and Lori. Kids can behave strange when not to sure if they are suppose to be nice to the person you are with because they might now be sure if this one will be here long or if they should install a revolving door. Once they know that its not just a short term thing then they slowly warm up. Not my personal experences but Ive seen it happen in other families around here. We finally got rain today and it's now a nice 88* out. (better than the 100+ we have been having)

Beth said...

Bwahahahahahaha! High 90's? Try 115, baby!