Thursday:Lori had two teeth pulled by the oral surgeon. The appointment was at 2:00, but she didn't get in until 4:30. Waiting was freaking her out. Finally the doctor came and broke the news that a second tooth was bad and also had to be removed.

She was not a happy camper.

Here's the bad boy that was giving her a problem. Sorry, no picture of the second bad boy.
What, you can't see it that well?

Okay, then here's a close up.
Your welcome. :-)
The Novocaine wasn't taking effect very well, so she had to get seven needles altogether. OUCH! One tooth came right out, but the other had to be chiseled into pieces and removed bit by ever loving bit. That took even more time, so she didn't finally leave until 7:00!!!!

Then she came hobbling back to my place with a mouth full of bloody gauze. My poor, poor baby. :-(
What, you can't see the blood that well?

Then here's a close up for you.
Your welcome. :-)
I took care of my baby until she left on Tuesday. I'm good like that.
Friday:More taking care of Lori, but that proved to be a challenge, because I was a little under the weather myself.
Saturday:I was feeling better so we started the day off
snuggling on the laptops.
Hey, she had a sore mouth, not a sore coochy. It's not like I asked her to give me a BJ, was it?You can bet that will be on the agenda the next time she is here, RIGHT LORI?
Today was Lori's daughter's birthday, so we met her and a bunch of her friends to celebrate at the Dublin Deck.
I would love to show you pictures from that night, but I promised that what happened at the Dublin Deck, stays at the Dublin Deck. :-DSunday:
Lori and I went to the Casino Restaurant & Bar at Davis Park on Fire Island. It's not a real casino, so I have no clue why they call it that.

Before you know it we were there. I was occupied, so the trip went quickly.

One ferry arrives and one leaves.

Lori had never been there so I showed her what life is like in just one of the many small communities on Fire Island. First we walked the docks checking out the boats and boaters BBQ-ing and partying.

Then we walked down to the beach.

We were just checking out the scenery, looking
for babes.

Found one! :-)What?
Then we saw a couple of kids fighting. There were four adults not ten feet away watching until one kid started to get his ass kicked. Then one of the men got up and pulled the kid off of him. That was end end of the fight. Sorry, no pics of that.
It was almost 6:00, so we went up to the restaurant for dinner. Lori's been living on pudding, jello, ice cream and soup, so this was her first solid food for days. I had scallops and Lori had fish. It took her forever to eat because with one newly missing tooth on each side of her mouth, it made chewing with minimal pain very difficult.

After dinner we walked back down to the beach to check out the
babes beach again. What beach? The tide had come in and was right up to the sand dunes. Three drunk adults were sitting on the life guard stand chilling and drinking their beers. Then they got down and waded out to their chairs and submerged blankets and clothes. LMAO! What dicks!
It was getting close to the time to catch the ferry back to the mainland by now, so we walked down to the docks to check out the boats one last time before we left. We walked around there for awhile then took a stroll on the boardwalk that meanders amongst the homes. Then it was one last pee before standing on the LONG, LONG, LONG line for the ferry.

I stopped at Carvel for Lori on the way home, because the cold makes her mouth feel better. We get the fat free. It's only 160 calories for four ounces and NO fat.
Monday:Nothing special for today. Lori stayed in and rested while I went out to get some fresh fish for dinner; fresh local flounder. That's one of the best reasons for living near the water, fresh seafood year around.
Lori still had to eat soft food, so I made creamed spinach with the flounder Mojo de Ajo (hot garlic and onion dressing) for dinner, but she had to clean up. HEY! Cleaning up after dinner is her job. Mine is cooking and her's is cleaning. Besides, she had a sore mouth, not sore hands or feet. It's not like I asked her to give me a BJ, was it?
You can bet that will be on the agenda the next time she is here, RIGHT LORI? Just double checking. ;-)