Monday, September 10, 2007

Did you watch the VMAs last night?

I did and why not? I didn't have anything else to do, because Lori was still at her brother's. She'll be here this afternoon, so I'll have "something" to do later. ;-)

Shortly before 8:00 last night, I freshened up my G&T and sat down to watch the train wreck named Britney Spears. She was the opening act on the MTV Video Music Awards. Her performance was hyped as her BIG comeback performance. She was supposed to have partnered up with Chris Angel for the show. I love good magic and hot chicks, so what else could I ask for.

The show started right on time and there she was, "The New Britney Spears"! Some of the reviewers said she looked fat, but I didn't.


Discounting the terrible hair weave, she looked great. Does she look fat in this picture to you?

NO FRIGGING WAY can you call her fat!

Does the model to the right here look good to you?

She makes me ill.

Who would you rather snuggle with, a girl that looks like Britney Spears or the model to the right?

Sorry, I got side tracked.

I was going to give you a review of the VMAs, but my mom said, "If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all".

Therefore, my silence speaks VOLUMES!!!!!!

Actually, I feel badly for Britney. Her enablers and hanger-on yes men/women are killing this poor girls chances of ever making a come back. They've turned her into a laughing stock and a train wreck mom that's seriously risking loosing her kids. I hope for the sake of her and her kids that she dumps every frigging person that she associates with and "straightens up and flies right". I really do.


techymike said...

I've seen mummified bodies with more to them than that model...YUCK!

As far as Britney goes...she's an emotional wreck, but I'd still take my chances with her if I weren't married! I agree with you that she needs to re-evaluate who she associates with, and maybe get some new friends!

SignGurl said...

Mr. Sign and I talked about how the world would say Britney was fat. Sadly, our society dictates that you must be 5% body fat to be "normal". It's ridiculous.

I had a hard time watching Britney because she looked so nervous and did so poorly.

gab said...

She does look like she has a little "pudge" tummy but then again mine is more like Oh wait my mom said never talk bad about yourself cause you might actually believe it one day....OH HELL I'M FAT!

Monogram Queen said...

You can hope but I doubt it's going to happen. She's a train wreck in waiting.
Nope I don't think she's fat either.

Sandi said...

I think she looks good! I hate it when the knowitall's have to discuss people's weight.. they are the sick ones!
I think everyone should give the girl a break..and she needs to get her act together!

TUG said...

That model is disgusting. Britney isn't fat, just not the way she was. Considering she recently had two kids I'd say she looks pretty darn good. All that other stuff she's doing turns me off though.

Tara Tainton said...

I can't imagine the pressure she's under... personally, professionally... and as a celebrity, she'll never get away from it. She's courageous for stepping out on a stage at all, but maybe she should listen to her own inner voice and wait till she's ready... or into it... or likes it again. ??

And yes, I'd much rather cuddle with a Britney Spears body. ;) Fat, she's not, but I think everyone will continue to compare her to her former, younger, pre-child-bearing self forever. What a biz to be a part of. :(