Friday, October 28, 2005


Guess what I'm doing.

These shots were taken about 6-7 years ago at the 21st birthday party of the son of a friend of ours. My nephew, holding the funnel hose, and his friends, showed me this really cool trick of how to down a can of beer in like two swallows. You can't see Barbara in this shot, but she was standing off to the side just shaking her head, with that "WTF is he doing now" look. I had a blast that night. There quite a few of the kids from their high school graduating class at the party. They all gathered at one end of the patio for a group shot and insisted I get in it. They even made me an honorary member of their class. I was honored they thought I was cool enough to be included.

Damn, was I drunk that night.........................but I didn't puke. I never even get hangovers. ;-D


BTExpress said...

Come on up 30, I'm not that far from you. Just let me know what beer you want, and I'll have it on ice for ya.

Megan said...

lol i think those are called beer bongs. looks like you had a great time, although I can understand Barbara's reaction. :) I'm glad to see you dwelling in the good memories.

Awna said...

Crazy, crazy ; )
We call that a beer bong where I am from...
man I have never burped so loud in my life like I did after that thing.

aughra said...

I used to be such a kickass beerbonger.

BTExpress said...

Hey Charlie, next time I visit my mom, I'll look you up and we can do one together. Or, if you come to my neck of the woods, let me know and I'll hook you up with one.

BTExpress said...

awna, I thought ladies didn't burp?

BTExpress said...

aughra, used to? I thought it's something one never forgets how to do.

Sasha said...

i'm jealous.. you never got hangovers? god, just this weekend i was so out of it, i almost vowed never to drink again! yeah, almost... :-)

BTExpress said...

Sasha, remember the two most important things about drinking heavily, drink a lot of water before you go out, and never, ever mix the liquors. Bet you didn't do either, did you?