Mine was good. Brian and I exchanged gifts around noon right after he got up. He's on vacation, so finally got to sleep in. I got him a few things for his new truck and some money to buy a backup camera for it. He's never driven any kind of truck before and backing up makes him nervous, because he can't see that well like he could in his car.
Brian gave me a an American Express gift card, because I have everything I need, so I am next to impossible to buy gifts for. For birthdays he usually give me scratch off lottery tickets for the same reason. He gave me two LARGE bottles of gin, which is always a welcome gift. Then a gift of a toaster oven with a rotisserie and a small chest freezer. My refrigerator is a smaller one, about 3/4 the size of a regular one. The about 1/4 of that is taken up by the ice makers, which leaves a limited amount of space for frozen food. It's always packed to the max after I go shopping, so the new freezer will come in very handy. Now I just have to figure out where to put them.
Both Brian and I went over to Lori's for dinner later. Last week Lori invited him over for Christmas dinner, which he immediately accepted. This was his second time over there, the first being Thanksgiving. All three of Lori's kids were there, so it was nice to have both our families together.
After dinner we exchanged gifts. Brian gave Lori an American Express gift card, because neither of us had any idea what he could get her. Lori gave him a stocking stuffed with more things for his car, candy and a scratch off lottery ticket. I gave Lori's kids a VISA gift card like I always do. The kids gave me gin & tonic, some sweats, a hand held video game, some nuts and a couple other small gifts.
When I asked Lori what she wanted for Christmas, she told me nothing because I'd told her that since I'd already gotten her so much already, and got her car fixed a couple of times, that the those were to be considered her Christmas presents. The last being a leather jacket about a month ago. I have been rather generous all year long, so that wasn't a stretch.
Now that just wouldn't be right, now would it?
So I wrapped up two boxes of toilet paper and box of paper towels. It's an inside joke with her and her kids, because they are always running out the stuff. It got a big laugh from them, but my son was stumped why I'd give her that. I had to explain why and I think he thought I was nuts.
You didn't actually think that's all I'd give her, did you?
Nope, I gave her a replica of the legs lamp in the movie "A Christmas Story". That's the movie where Ralphie wants a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas. That was a big hit with them all. They all love that movie and watch all 24-hours of it from 8:00pm on Christmas Eve until the last show goes off at 8:00pm on Christmas Day.
Nope, that wasn't all. I'm not that cheap.
Last I gave Lori a couple of VISA gifts cards, so she could buy some things for herself. I know there are some things she needs, but she'd have to get them herself, so money it was.
We sat around chatting for a bit, them Brian left to see some friends. I stuck around a while longer then headed home so Lori could get ready for her trip up to Rhode Island today to visit her family. That means I'll be all alone again this weekend. :-(
Anyone want to come over and help me rearrange my kitchen and figure out where the hell I'm going to put the toaster oven and freezer? I have PLENTY of gin & tonic for you.
My little corner of the internet here is the place where I post things that are on my mind.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Three Christmas Wishes HNT

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Wish #1 is for all the people that have lost their job due to the shitty economy. I wish a 0% unemployment rate. That way they are all assured jobs and good jobs at that.
Wish #2 is for all the people that are having a hard time paying their mortgage payments. I wish that I could pay off their mortgage, so they never have to worry about having a roof over their head ever again. If I could kick in for the annual property taxes would be great too.
Wish #3 is for people that are having a hard time financially. I wish that they all could hit the lotto big time! Hopefully they hit the Mega Million lottery all by themselves. That leaves the big payoff to each person.
I know we're not supposed to have more than three wishes, but the hell with the rules!!
Wish #4 is for everyone! I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and a happy any other holiday you may be celebrating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Las Vegas Pictures - Part 1

That was HOT!

We all said good night and went our separate ways with plans to meet again later in the week.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Christmas Tree HNT
Os says we had to post a picture of ourselves with our Christmas tree this week. Since Lori and I spent last week in Las Vegas, "FUCKING LAS VEGAS BABY!!!!", I haven't put up a Christmas tree yet. You'll just have to accept the next best thing, me next to the Christmas tree in the Harley Davidson Cafe on the Strip.
For the half nekkid part, here's a shot Lori took of me in the shower at the hotel. Be warned, it's of my naked ass. Did you expect anything less from her?

Merry Half Nekkid Christmas Ya'll!
Lori is up again this week, so make sure you stop by to see her tree.
Check out the previous few posts for a little bit about about our Vegas trip.
Then stop by Os' blog and say hi. Tell him I sent you!
Lori is up again this week, so make sure you stop by to see her tree.
Check out the previous few posts for a little bit about about our Vegas trip.
Then stop by Os' blog and say hi. Tell him I sent you!
Monday, December 15, 2008
It was fun while it lasted, our vacation in Las Vegas that is. Last November was our first trip there, but that was only for four days, so didn't get to do very much. This time we went for eight days and did A LOT more, we still didn't have enough time to see all that we wanted to see. Here's a brief (LMAO, brief?) run down of what we did this year.
Flew in to Vegas, had dinner with Tara and her brother in Pampas Brazilian Grill, walked around the Miracle Mile mall in Planet Hollywood and bought more tonic (we had drinks before we went to dinner). Tara gave us one of her "adult" DVDs as a gift. :-)
Lunch/breakfast (we are late sleepers) at Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville, toured numerous casinos including Caesar's Palace and Paris, dinner at Harley Davidson Restaurant. Walked a million miles that day.
Slept in, drove up and down the Strip, bought gin & tonic (drink a lot in Vegas, often and earlier than when home), toured the Sahara, had dinner there too.
Note: This place is certain to be closed very soon. There were only, maybe, six couples eating in the restaurant and very few people gambling.
THE HELICOPTER TRIP TO THE GRAND CANYON!!!! Need I say more? If you ever have a chance to take a helicopter trip there, DO IT! Spend your rent money on it if you have to, but DO IT!
We went to the Hawaiian Tropic Zone for lunch. Half naked waitresses in bikinis was worth the EXPENSIVE tab.
Saw the show FANTASY that night. Topless chicks dancing, need I say more?
Lunch at 'MORE" in the Luxor ( pastrami sandwiches and I drank Fat Tire ale), saw various naked boy parts on a wall, toured the aquarium with the walk through tunnel (very cool!)
On the way out, we stumbled upon a bar with Bert & Keith playing music and singing. We closed that place. They were really good, until they took a 1/2 hour break. A few minutes my ass! But we were entertained by the couple tyhat had a fight. He stormed out, threw his beer bottle again a store window and knocked over a sign. As Bert said, "Not to worry, he will be arressted". LOL My ass, he was seen later talking to the guy that tried to steal his chick.
Fell asleep at 4AM, 7AM my time.
Slept late (we did that everyday except Tuesday), ate 7-11 egg sandwiches we bought the night before, toured New York, New York so Lori could take pictures of the Statue of Liberty replica they have (that statute seems to freek out Lori and her brother, so they torment each other with pictures of it at every opportunity), had lunch at some place in NEW York, New York I forget, headed over to MGM Grand to catch the lion exhibit and tour that place. We ate there but I forget where, but do know we ate, among other things, chicken wings.
Note: I case your wondering why I forgot a few details, I drank alot while in Vegas. I'm also ols (60) so that may explain it too.
We also went over to the Monte Carlo to look around. On our way out we heard some music and discovered the "Sin City Heat". They were two guitar players, a drummer and scantally clad hot babes. Do I have to say more? No fights this time, but we did close the place and didn't get to bed until 4am, 7am my time. :-)
We walked along the Strip for a bit then went to Paris for a ride to the top of their 1/2 size replica of the Eiffle Tower. Awesome view! Walked around somemore, then had dinner at the Harly Davidson Cafe again. Good food for a good price. Remember that if your in Vegas.
Then it was back to the room to pack. Took us and hour at least. Very depressing time packing to go home from vacation. But things were soon to pick up.
Tonight we met Tara and her brother at the Stratosphere and saw a show called "Bite". Topless vampire chicks. Need I say more. After the show they held a "meet-and-greet" with the stars. Vampire chicks in bras close up, need I say more? I bought the $38 package and got all the vampire chicks to sign things. The best comment was from the girl in the calender that had her picture taken with her in the shower. She signed it "Want to join me?" Then love something. I think she wanted me.
SHUT UP! She wanted me and leave it at that!
Up at 8am and the flight back to COLD, ever so COLD New York. It was 25 fucking degrees when we landed. But I was a gentleman and let Lori wait in thge terminal while I got the car. I even had it warmed up by the time she got in it. Yes, I know, I'm the bestest boy friend ever.
Lori made me breakfast in bed as a sort of thank you for taking her on her bestest week long vacation ever. Yes, I know, I'm the bestest boy friend ever. m Just ask Lori if you want proof.
That's enough for now, but pictures to follow. We took 1,004 pictures and have to show them to someone, so it might as well be you guys.
Flew in to Vegas, had dinner with Tara and her brother in Pampas Brazilian Grill, walked around the Miracle Mile mall in Planet Hollywood and bought more tonic (we had drinks before we went to dinner). Tara gave us one of her "adult" DVDs as a gift. :-)
Lunch/breakfast (we are late sleepers) at Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville, toured numerous casinos including Caesar's Palace and Paris, dinner at Harley Davidson Restaurant. Walked a million miles that day.
Slept in, drove up and down the Strip, bought gin & tonic (drink a lot in Vegas, often and earlier than when home), toured the Sahara, had dinner there too.
Note: This place is certain to be closed very soon. There were only, maybe, six couples eating in the restaurant and very few people gambling.
THE HELICOPTER TRIP TO THE GRAND CANYON!!!! Need I say more? If you ever have a chance to take a helicopter trip there, DO IT! Spend your rent money on it if you have to, but DO IT!
We went to the Hawaiian Tropic Zone for lunch. Half naked waitresses in bikinis was worth the EXPENSIVE tab.
Saw the show FANTASY that night. Topless chicks dancing, need I say more?
Lunch at 'MORE" in the Luxor ( pastrami sandwiches and I drank Fat Tire ale), saw various naked boy parts on a wall, toured the aquarium with the walk through tunnel (very cool!)
On the way out, we stumbled upon a bar with Bert & Keith playing music and singing. We closed that place. They were really good, until they took a 1/2 hour break. A few minutes my ass! But we were entertained by the couple tyhat had a fight. He stormed out, threw his beer bottle again a store window and knocked over a sign. As Bert said, "Not to worry, he will be arressted". LOL My ass, he was seen later talking to the guy that tried to steal his chick.
Fell asleep at 4AM, 7AM my time.
Slept late (we did that everyday except Tuesday), ate 7-11 egg sandwiches we bought the night before, toured New York, New York so Lori could take pictures of the Statue of Liberty replica they have (that statute seems to freek out Lori and her brother, so they torment each other with pictures of it at every opportunity), had lunch at some place in NEW York, New York I forget, headed over to MGM Grand to catch the lion exhibit and tour that place. We ate there but I forget where, but do know we ate, among other things, chicken wings.
Note: I case your wondering why I forgot a few details, I drank alot while in Vegas. I'm also ols (60) so that may explain it too.
We also went over to the Monte Carlo to look around. On our way out we heard some music and discovered the "Sin City Heat". They were two guitar players, a drummer and scantally clad hot babes. Do I have to say more? No fights this time, but we did close the place and didn't get to bed until 4am, 7am my time. :-)
We walked along the Strip for a bit then went to Paris for a ride to the top of their 1/2 size replica of the Eiffle Tower. Awesome view! Walked around somemore, then had dinner at the Harly Davidson Cafe again. Good food for a good price. Remember that if your in Vegas.
Then it was back to the room to pack. Took us and hour at least. Very depressing time packing to go home from vacation. But things were soon to pick up.
Tonight we met Tara and her brother at the Stratosphere and saw a show called "Bite". Topless vampire chicks. Need I say more. After the show they held a "meet-and-greet" with the stars. Vampire chicks in bras close up, need I say more? I bought the $38 package and got all the vampire chicks to sign things. The best comment was from the girl in the calender that had her picture taken with her in the shower. She signed it "Want to join me?" Then love something. I think she wanted me.
SHUT UP! She wanted me and leave it at that!
Up at 8am and the flight back to COLD, ever so COLD New York. It was 25 fucking degrees when we landed. But I was a gentleman and let Lori wait in thge terminal while I got the car. I even had it warmed up by the time she got in it. Yes, I know, I'm the bestest boy friend ever.
Lori made me breakfast in bed as a sort of thank you for taking her on her bestest week long vacation ever. Yes, I know, I'm the bestest boy friend ever. m Just ask Lori if you want proof.
That's enough for now, but pictures to follow. We took 1,004 pictures and have to show them to someone, so it might as well be you guys.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Aloha Las Vegas
It's been a fun week as jam packed as we could make it, but still haven't seen half the things we wanted to see. The last two night we stayed out late closing a couple of bars and didn't get to bed until 4 AM!!!!!
Tonight is our last night in Sin City and we are ending it on an up note by spending it with our good friend Tara Tainton and her brother. We are catching one last show, 'Bite' at the Stratosphere. A show full of topless vampire babes. Tara made a post about it if your interested.
Aloha Las Vegas! See you next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tonight is our last night in Sin City and we are ending it on an up note by spending it with our good friend Tara Tainton and her brother. We are catching one last show, 'Bite' at the Stratosphere. A show full of topless vampire babes. Tara made a post about it if your interested.
Aloha Las Vegas! See you next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, December 11, 2008

I choose this one.

I think I made a good choice, don't you?
Go check out Lori's "GLASSES". She unlocked her blog for this weeks HNT just for you.
Friday, December 05, 2008
My Vacation Starts Tomorrow!
Okay, I know I'm always on vacation, but tomorrow Lori and I fly to Las Vegas. We are staying at a hotel right on the center of the Strip. It will be eight days and seven nights of debauchery and partying!!!! This time we are going to be checking out some of the shows with nudity. Last year we wanted to see a one with vampires, but it was too late to get decent seats.
I finally got my building permit today. The construction has to wait until early January. The project should take about three weeks. I want to be here when they start the work, so next week is out. They close for the Christmas & New year Holiday, to that brings us to early January.Hey, I waited this long so another month isn't important.
My son bought a pickup truck today. It's a 2006 Ford F150. His car was on it's way out and he wanted a truck to haul around his ATV, so now was a good time. He got a good deal, because it's a buyer's market right now. I looked around for loan rates for him and saw that my credit union had the best rates. Some banks aren't even loaning money for used cars. The car dealer couldn't even get him a better rate. His credit is good, he makes around $65k/year and has minimal bills, since he lives with me. I told him I wasn't cosigning this time, but that wasn't even necessary to ask. He got the money on his own merit.
That's about it for now. Have a great weekend y'all!
I finally got my building permit today. The construction has to wait until early January. The project should take about three weeks. I want to be here when they start the work, so next week is out. They close for the Christmas & New year Holiday, to that brings us to early January.Hey, I waited this long so another month isn't important.
My son bought a pickup truck today. It's a 2006 Ford F150. His car was on it's way out and he wanted a truck to haul around his ATV, so now was a good time. He got a good deal, because it's a buyer's market right now. I looked around for loan rates for him and saw that my credit union had the best rates. Some banks aren't even loaning money for used cars. The car dealer couldn't even get him a better rate. His credit is good, he makes around $65k/year and has minimal bills, since he lives with me. I told him I wasn't cosigning this time, but that wasn't even necessary to ask. He got the money on his own merit.
That's about it for now. Have a great weekend y'all!
Thursday, December 04, 2008
I might be on TV HNT
I have a My Space account. Today I received a comment from Diana Stonitsch, she has a TV show in Joliette Illinois. She was asking me to be on her TV show.
I really enjoyed reading your blogs. Perhaps you will come on my show sometime? I think my viewers would really like to hear some of your stories, especially the one about puff the magic dragon. I can really relate to that one.
Be Well,
WTF! I'm as shocked as you are. Me on TV? You got to be shitting me!
Oh, by the way, the "Puff the Magic Dragon" story refers to the story I wrote about one night in Vietnam where we smoked pot, drank Sctoch & grape soda and were alerted to the certainy of being attacked by 10,000 NVA soldiers sometime that night. Since we were just a company of a few hundred or so, I was certain we would all die.
It's a not-so-long story, so I'd better start from the beginning. One of my My Space friends is Adrianne Curry, the wife of Christopher Knight. Christopher played Peter Brady on the Brady Bunch. Adirane is a Playboy cover model and a celebrity in her own right. I've been posting comments on Adrianne's My Space page pretty regularly. She a really cool, a down to earth girl and very interesting.
I made a comment on Adrianne's blog one day disputing several other commenter's posts about their lack of faith in God. I believe in God very strongly. He has helped my family and I through some very difficult times. There is also that out of body experience I had when I was wounded. I felt I owed it to Him to dispute the doubter's lack of faith, but from my perspective. I won't critisise those who lack faith, as it's their choice. I just wanted to explain some of the reasons why I believed in God. My comment touched a cord with several people, including Adriane's mother, so they replied. I've been exchanging messages and emails from all of them since that day.
I might really be on TV. How cool is that? I think it's even cooler that I've made new friends just because of a few words. :-)
Oh ya, it's HNT, so I guess I better post a picture. Since this was all brought about because of my tour in Vietnam, it's only appropriate that I post a picture from the old days. Here's a picture of my father Stoney, my stepmother Ruth and me in St. Albans Naval hospital in Queens, New York just a few days after my return from the hospital in Japan. I weighed a massive 112 lbs.

I really enjoyed reading your blogs. Perhaps you will come on my show sometime? I think my viewers would really like to hear some of your stories, especially the one about puff the magic dragon. I can really relate to that one.
Be Well,
WTF! I'm as shocked as you are. Me on TV? You got to be shitting me!
Oh, by the way, the "Puff the Magic Dragon" story refers to the story I wrote about one night in Vietnam where we smoked pot, drank Sctoch & grape soda and were alerted to the certainy of being attacked by 10,000 NVA soldiers sometime that night. Since we were just a company of a few hundred or so, I was certain we would all die.
It's a not-so-long story, so I'd better start from the beginning. One of my My Space friends is Adrianne Curry, the wife of Christopher Knight. Christopher played Peter Brady on the Brady Bunch. Adirane is a Playboy cover model and a celebrity in her own right. I've been posting comments on Adrianne's My Space page pretty regularly. She a really cool, a down to earth girl and very interesting.
I made a comment on Adrianne's blog one day disputing several other commenter's posts about their lack of faith in God. I believe in God very strongly. He has helped my family and I through some very difficult times. There is also that out of body experience I had when I was wounded. I felt I owed it to Him to dispute the doubter's lack of faith, but from my perspective. I won't critisise those who lack faith, as it's their choice. I just wanted to explain some of the reasons why I believed in God. My comment touched a cord with several people, including Adriane's mother, so they replied. I've been exchanging messages and emails from all of them since that day.
I might really be on TV. How cool is that? I think it's even cooler that I've made new friends just because of a few words. :-)
Oh ya, it's HNT, so I guess I better post a picture. Since this was all brought about because of my tour in Vietnam, it's only appropriate that I post a picture from the old days. Here's a picture of my father Stoney, my stepmother Ruth and me in St. Albans Naval hospital in Queens, New York just a few days after my return from the hospital in Japan. I weighed a massive 112 lbs.

Monday, December 01, 2008
I Hate That!
Did you ever get a tickle in your nose that just won't go away no matter what you do? A tickle that bothers you so much you can't stand it! You try trimming your nose hairs, but that doesn't work. So you look real close in the mirror to see if you can spot the problem. Even pulling at your nostrils to get a good close look up your nose. But you still don't see anything. But you know there's something in there, because the tickling is driving you nuts!!!! You even get out the magnifying glass to get a closer look up your nose, but you still don't see anything. Then you resort to desperate measures, TWEEZERS!
THAT HURTS LIKE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THAT HURTS LIKE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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