It took some doing, but I worked up the courage to go see Kirian. First I "shit, showered and shaved" as they say in the military, and then got dressed in my finest regalia.

Once dressed, I took that long ass
Since she had done an acceptable job the last time she cut my locks, I decided to sit down and wait my turn. Also, I figured that since I did get all gussied up and made that long ass drive all the way to the barber shop, I'd just wait.

What do you mean it looks like I didn't get my haircut?
Can't fool you, can I?
I didn't!
Let me explain.
Being in the barber shop started to get to me very soon after I sat down. The longer I sat there waiting, the more regretful I became.
I'd been there almost an entire minute when the tension finally got to me and I couldn't take being there any longer and decided I had to leave.
I left
Any bets on when I finally work up the courage to get my haircut.
I could cut it for you while you sleep and then in the morning pretend I don't know what happened. Does that work?
I think I like it long ...
Aww do you need someone to hold your hand????
Aw, man! All that suspense and you didn't get it cut - don't leave us hanging (although the second picture your hair does look better, almost like it was styled or something, if not trimmed just a touch -- maybe that was just all the hopefulness built into the suspense)
Happy HNT!
Lori, don't even think about it, because I don't think you'd look good with a crew cut. :-)
Too funny :)
Hehehe the face you're making reminds me of Zoolander. hehe
Happy HNT!
You've got til next Thursday mister.
Come on.
The clock is ticking...
Okay, really I like it long.
It's so grabbable!
I cut mine short for my job and hate it.
I say keep yours long as long as you can stand it. You look great.
lol, that pucker in the last pic is priceless.
i'm betting you got it cut when lori threatened no more snuggling until it was cut....
Long hair is sexy...
I'm letting mine grow out for the first time since I was a child! Makes me feel a little rebellious! LOL HHNT!
I guess we will have to wait and see
you are a riot!!! just get a trim, you can still keep it longish.
You are not the only one who has walked out of a hair salon! I once walked into a fancy hair place in Santa Monica to get my hair cut. I was a "walk in", but this was a very expensive place....
THey were such snobs, and I was a little hippie chick (with plenty of money in my pocket I might add) and they literally ignored me. I sat and sat and sat and noone came and got me...I just don't think they knew what to do with someone like me.....
After about 10 minutes of sitting there..I walked out and never went back again....
I get my hair cut once a year now....and I even hate that!
HHNT TOny you have the best hair!
I think Britney has already cornered the market for short hair on chicks this week - leave Lori's alone :)
That's a great t-shirt, btw!
lmao, wow, that's some scar that last haircut left ;)
HHNT, nice jeans ;)
But the shaved head thing is now all the rage....just look at Brittney! YUCK!
You're good to follow your instincts...Nothing worse than a botched hair cut. SHOULD be VERY proud to wear that shirt. You earned it....
Ah yes the ole 3 S'. My fav meal made for me is shit on a shingle:-). Know that one?. *giggles*. My best friend's dad (retired Army). Always made this for me when I visited. He still does to this day 22 yrs later. UGH!!! I just really thought about that. Me & my best friend 22 yrs. WOW!! :-). Next year will be my 20 high school reunion.*Double UGH!!!* Anyhoo I like the hair doo, but it's up to you. Happy HNT to you;-).
i like it long. love the color and everythin.
i'm glad you're proud of your service now and i'm sorry conditions were such that you were not for so long. i think you might like my post today. just wanted to let you know.
Love the after!
I'm up! :)
I could have hubby cut it for you........if you like crew cuts!lol
Cant wait to see the new you(actually the old you aint that bad!) :)
You know even though you did not get it cut the second picture does look better. I think it is just a little more in place. I have walked out before. I had my heart set on the one person and he was not there so ... bubie.
Love the set Tony and your hair looks fine but you know you will need to break down sooner or later. You don't want to start looking like ZZ Top do you?
Just making sure you still had all of your hair today. Or maybe I should wait until Monday after you spend the wknd with Lori and make sure she didn't pull a Brittney Spears on you....LOL!
lori-just trim his bangs while he's asleep...leave the sides and back! *shhhh*
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