Things had been going well with my outdoor back yard project. Yesterday, about 1/4 of the pavers had been put down.

Today, Lori and I made a toast to my "resort".

WTF are those things on our wrists you ask? They're hospital bracelets. You know, the bracelets they give you when need medical attention in a hospital. Today, Wednesday, Lori went to the hospital to get some shots in her spine that are supposed to relieve the pain from her ruptured discs. My bracelet was a present the VA hospital gave for my injured hand/wrist.
Long story short, I was cleaning my pool and stumbled over some patio stones. I fell forward and reached out with my left hand to break my fall. I tried to stop myself from falling in the pool, but alas, no use, in the pool I went.
Two of the construction worker ran over to help, but I assured them I was okay. I then swam to the steps, climbed out of the pool dripping water feeling like an idiot for not paying attention to were I was going.
My hand hurt a bit, as much as anyone's hand that smashed down on concrete. Not that painful, but it did hurt. I went inside, stripped to my birthday suit and got in the shower. That done, I hung up my wet clothes in the basement.
A few hours later, the swelling and pain alarmed me. I fucked up hand when I fell. I called Lori and asked her for a favor, "Can you give a ride to the hospital, I think I broke my hand?"
Of course she agreed, but do you know what her second thought was?
You'll never guess.
She was relieved that it was my left hand and not my magical right hand. The hand with the magic fingers. You figure out why they are magical. ;-)
Anyway, she came over and drove me to the VA hospital. I was the only one there. I saw the doctor, had x rays and was told it didn't look broken. That surprised me, because my hand was the size if the Good Year blimp.
Fine. I got me some drugs, a bandage and Lori drove me home. She stayed with me to make sure I would be okay.
Today she had a procedure that hopefully, relieves the pain she's had daily for the last five years. So far, so good. Only time will tell.
The day goes by, I apply ice on and off and and take the drugs. I was looking forward to the swelling going down, so I can enjoy the BBQ at my place on Saturday. (BTW, you're all invited.) I really expected my hand to feel better and look better, but no, that would be too much to ask.

Yes, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww......... I think the doctor's daginosis may be wrong. What do you think?
Looks like tomorrow I will be getting a second opinion.

NOT SO HAPPY HNT!FYI, girls, sympathy pics will be gratefully appreciated. HINT, HINT.....