Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy of Root Canal HNT

I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy
Down in tooth 19 (Where?)
Down in tooth 19 (Where?)
Down in tooth 19
I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy
Down in tooth 19 (Where?)
Down in tooth 19 to stay, but not for long

And I'm so un-happy
So very un-happy
I've got the love of my endodontist in my heart
And I'm so un-happy
So very un-happy
I've got the love of my endodontist in my heart

I've got the pain that passes understanding down in the depths of tooth 19...

I've got the wonderful love of my endodontist's dipping way down in the depths of tooth 19...

Well, if my regular dentist doesn't like his work, he can sit on a tack...


Today was another appointment for root canal. This time it was for one of my favorite teeth, tooth 19. That's the one way, way, way back in your mouth on the bottom right side. As I sat in the waiting room waiting my turn to see the dentist, another man came in, checked in and sat down. The poor guy was a basket case. He never sat still for a second and was as fidgety as a hound dog with fleas. Less than five minutes later, he got up and told the receptionist he'd be back in a minute, then walked quickly out the door. I sat there reading my newspaper for at least 10 minutes and he never came back. I figured he made a break for it.

The assistant came and got me and showed me to the recliner in the torture chamber treatment room. I sat down and she placed the bib around my neck. "The doctor will be here in a few moments. Don't I look happy?

Soon the sadist dentist came in to start torturing treating me and my look immediately changed.

The first part wasn't so bad. Just that little stick with tasty stuff on it that is supposed to numb the gums so the needle doesn't hurt when he stabs give me the shots.

That wasn't so bad, but then I see the needle and my mouth locks shut!!!!! Nothing was going to make me open it, nothing!!!!!!!!!

Well, nothing except when he turned around and asked to open wide. No, wider! WIDER!!!!!!

Okay, lets get this torture over with. I opened wide and he gave me the shots.

I knew I was just being silly, because the last two times I had root canal I never felt a thing until the Novocaine wore off.

Now I just sat there and waited for the lower right half of my face to numb.

The Novocaine did it's job and about ten minutes later the sadist dentist came back in to start the torture work.

I couldn't see what he was doing, but soon the spot light was turned to brighten the view of my mouth. That could only mean one thing! The sadist dentist was going to start the torture work.

Next came that cute little rubber apron he so gently placed over tooth 19.

"Yes Doc! That's it! You pinched the gum ever so slightly. I was hoping you'd remember that part."

Then the real torture work began!

The sadist dentist starts drilling.

So far so good.

He pokes around for a moment.

I felt a slight something. Not really pain, just a little something.

He drills some more and that sent a shark sensation down into my jaw. Like a burning sensation. I winced.

He asks, "Did you feel that?"

I wanted to say, "WTF!!!! Why do you think I jumped you idiot?" But couldn't say anything with my mouth full of rubber, so I just shook my head.

He carefully probed and asked, "Can you feel this?"

I nodded my head in the affirmative.

He probed again and said, "But you don't feel this, do you?"

I nodded my head in the affirmative again.

He pulls out that needle again and starts stabbing in my mouth wildly give me a few more shots. These I didn't feel.

The sadist dentist continues torturing me working and finished up about 15 minutes later. He bids me ado and I run like a scared rabbit walk to the reception's desk to make another appointment to finish the tooth.

So here I sit at my computer as the Novocaine slowly wears off and the pain is just starting. If it's like the last time, tonight it will peak and I won't be able to sleep on my right side. Never knew a pillow could cause so much agony.



SIMPLY ME said...

I loved your song, I'm sorry you feel so bad.
But I'll take care of you baby this weekend :). Happy HNT my love

lime said...

the song was hialrious,. i know the tuen so i sang along.

i am glad lori can take care of you. until she arrives i say drink lots of gin.


S said...

LOL I told you about the cute plastic mouth cover thing, didnt I?
Glad you made it through! HHNT TOny!

Cosima said...

Ouch! I feel for you... I rather birth three babies in a row than go to the dentist. Get better soon!

Happy HNT!

Blissfully Wed said...

Ugh. I feel for ya. I'm currently avoiding my dentist's calls.

Osbasso said...

I know your pain! My #18 went to toothy heaven last week, but thank God they knocked me out cold!

barman said...

Oh my, not fun at all. My only experience so far was much better. It was half way back on the top left and the root had died so they had it made. Now this is much more what I thought a root canal was like. I feel for you.

And I am amazed at the pictures. I am not even sure how you pulled it off but yuck.

[strike]Un[/strike]Happy HNT Tony.

Tara Tainton said...

Wow! Amazing how quickly your usually brilliant smile faded in this series of pics! Sad to see. :( Hopefully, you'll be back to true form next week! Enjoy the 4th!


Lapis Ruber said...

I had similar treatment some years ago - this brought it all back - ouch!

Hope it all heals up soon. HHNT

Snow White said...

Yikes & ouch! Hope you're feeling better soon! Happy HNT! xox

Monogram Queen said...

Ick I think i'll just opt for false teeth at that point. Getting my braces off nearly did me in!
Hope you feel better big guy!

24crayons said...

The song was fun, I'm sorry you're feeling so poorly.

It will get better!! HHNT

TUG said...

I just had a root canal as well. In fact, same day as my special delivery. HHNT!

Regal said...

Your song was great! Sounds/looks as if that Percodan is working well!

BTExpress said...

Lori - You can start tonight after we're done with the couch. :-)

Lime - I did, I did. Didn't get any drugs, so that was all I had.

S - Yes you did tell me about that.

Cosima - My mouth feels like I birthed three babies through it.

Blissfully Wed - Take it from someone that did that for WAY too long, get your ass to the dentist ASAP. You may avoid what I'm going through.

Os - I had that option, but choose this instead.

Barman - I had the camera in my shirt pocket. I took a few shots while I was waiting for him to come in and the others I took when he left the room to have the x rays developed.

Tara - Thanks. :-) I should be back to normal by the weekend, I hope.

Lapis Ruber - I still have one or two more to go.

Snow White - Thanks, me too.

Patty Cake - I can't imagine how painful it is to have all my teeth pulled.

24crayons - Thanks!

Tug - I feel for you if yours turned out like mine.

BTExpress said...

Regal - No drugs for me. The dentist said it wouldn't hurt THAT much. Guess he never had root canal.

Mark Leslie said...

Wonderfully spoofed song, my friend and what an entertaining root canal story. Feel better soon!

Lance said...

Dang that has got to hurt, I hate getting my teeth worked on, hate it.

Katie :) said...

poor baby- feel better soon!

Zoely said...

poor soon with this all be over?!?

jillie said...

Awwww....poor poor Tony!!

If you can't drink the gin...soak a cotton ball in it and suck on

Aaakkkkk on those mouth covers. I hate them...

HHNT to you...xo

BTExpress said...

Woo is me, woo is me. I'm still in pain and need a few babes, I mean nurses, to take care of me. Woo is me, woo is me... Any volunteers? I feel so bad. :-(

gab said...

here's hoping you feel better soon. I gotta go very soon my self and guess what tooth they have to start with? Tooth number 19!