No? Well, she was the "Third-to-Next Top Model" on the TV show "America's Next Top Model"; meaning she came in third. But third place was not such a bad place to be. She is the ONLY person from that show to go into modeling. She models for a living, mostly in Hong Kong.
The photo you see above, is from Elyse's latest blog post. She posts all the time and always with pictures she takes herself. She is funny as hell and if you want laugh, visit her blog. I'm never disappointed when I do.
Got to go. Lori just called and she is just a few minutes away. I have to hurry and get her drink ready. I always greet her at the door with a gin & tonic. Have a great weekend.
geez, you are a KEEPER!!
geez, you are a KEEPER!!
geez, you are a KEEPER!!
geez, you are a KEEPER!!
geez, you are a KEEPER!!
geez, you are a KEEPER!!
geez, you are a KEEPER!!
geez, you are a KEEPER!!
geez, you are a KEEPER!!
I'll visit. Thanks for the heads up, BT.
Um do ya think libby thinks you are a keeper? LOL
Seriously that is so sweet Tony.
I have to admit I have a huge addiction to America's Next Top Model. I have no idea why but I love it!
Elyse was the only contestant so far to actually use her brain.
lol, waht the flip is that weird thing she is staring at???
Lime, go to her blog and find out. I think you'll be surprised.
What the hell is that in her hands??
She is beautiful and 3rd place is by no means a loser that's for sure. I'll have to check it out...
Awww...Lori is one lucky lady...I think I need a drink...
Have a great wknd you two love birds!
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