Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Scars HNT

As many of you know, I have about 40-45 scars with 35 of them coming from being wounded in Vietnam. Next Friday I'm going to add a new one to that vast collection when the hot Asian woman doctor cuts out a basal cell carcinoma that's on my chest.

The little hole is where she took the biopsy and all of those red marks are from the band aids I've had to wear since last week.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


This is BTExpress as a young child at the ripe old age of 5 1/2 somewhere in the Tampa/St Petersburg, Florida area. That's my Polish grandfather in the background. We were out on one of our usual Sunday drives to who knows where. My dad always carried fishing tackle in the car and whenever he saw fishing spot where he thought he could catch something, he'd pull the car over to the side of the road and fish. He always caught something, but today was especially an good day, as you can see in the picture.

I really do remember this day because it was a day he made me lift this very heavy large mouth bass. He caught the thing, but insisted that I hold the fish and the rod so he could take my picture. I remember telling him it was too heavy, and arguing with him, but he insisted. I struggled, as you can tell by the way I was listing in the shot, but hold it I did.

Isn't it strange the things you remember?

Well, anyway, have a Happy Half-Nekkid Thursday everyone.

Want to have some fun? Click on this chicks boobs and learn all about Half-Nekkid Thursday.


Even though I know about HNT, sometimes I click on her boobs just for fun. Hee, hee..........

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Last August Os made a trip to the east coast for my pool party. The turn out was small, the food was good and so was the company. Here are some pictures of what y'all missed.


Tuesday, August 09, 2011

I Made a Spaghetti Pie

Sunday I made spaghetti with brie, fresh basil and tomatoes and, trust me, it was good. Like usual, I made too much and had to figure out what to do with the left overs. Then it hit me, spaghetti pie! I'd heard of it, but have never made one, so now was my chance.

It's very easy. Preheat the oven to 350F. Beat two eggs in a bowl then dump in the left over spaghetti. Then mix. The easiest way is to just use your hands. It's messy, but works better than fighting with it. Press mixture into a greased baking dish/pan and sprinkle with parmigiana cheese. Bake for 25-30 minutes. Let rest for a little while and enjoy.