"Thanks a lot Os! A lot of help that is!"
So I thought and I thought and I thought and I thought and I thought and I thought and I thought and I thought, until I couldn't thunk no more and finally came up with this. It's a replay of an HNT post from 2006 when I was a wee lad of three years old.
Three years old qualifies as the "Three", right?
This is a picture of my mom, my brother Rodney and me in front of our house in Huntington Station, Long Island, New York. This was taken in 1951. I figured I couldn't go wrong if I posted it, because the chicks seem to love my baby pictures and the guys will like looking at the old cars. There are bonus points if you can tell what the car is behind us.

you are so adorable I could eat you up, wait....I do! Happy HNT sweetness!
I was afraid you might try to photoshop three hoohaws on you or something! Whew!
that is a great picture, tony. i love that impish little kid!
I had no idea what I was going to see when I came here. It's always a surprise.
I think your choice is fine. Like you said, no guidelines.
I'm not good with cars "that" old :) I wish I could see that emblem better. I'm guessing "Nash"
HappyHNT, I agree. Totally adorable
TK Kerouac's HNT
beautiful pic :-) and sooo cute
happy HNT !
I just love old pictures period! LMAO at osbasso... !!!
LOL @ Os comment!
Three hoohaws....that sounds good!
We always enjoy your vintage pics. Happy HNT Anniversary!
Cool trip down memory lane, Tony. I can SO tell that's little Tony in the picture. :)
I've always loved both the retrospective you take in your blog posts as well as the flat out zany and FUN things you do. Thanks for that, my friend. :)
Happy HNT and Happy Anniversary!
good picture! as to the car...huh...dont know what kind...maybe a 49-something?
Ohhhhhh! I just luv ole b&w pix! - EXCELLENT one! too cute.
Hmm... is the car a Studebaker? (or sumpin like that) lol
H3HNT!!! =)
btw, due to the 'puter probs I'm having lately (it's possessed, btw, lol) - I don't actually see ANY pix here on your blog, but I can see your HNT shot thru having you on bloglines.com
Go figure. *shrug*
Awe!!! you're right... chicks dig baby pictures! :)
Thank you for the lovely comment! And if you were hanging out I'm sure it would only get sexier! ;) hahahaha!
Lovely vintage shot!
hey...when is your next trip somewhere?
You were almost as adorable then as you are today!
I posted a pic of me when I was 3, too :)
Too cute!
I don't know what kind of car that is, but I saw a gorgeous purple one on the road Saturday.
Happy HNT:)
yes us ladies love the cute wittle baby pictures :)
Very good on the theme too ;)
Happy *late* HNT! =)
This chick does love seeing your baby pics, you were a cutie then and you are a cutie now! Happy (belated) HNT!
Love, love, love the photo!!!
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