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Now that I have that off my chest, my laptop has been acting up. She has been a bad girl, a very bad girl. For the last few weeks she has been in a very bad mood. If computers had PMS, that's how'd I describe how she's been acting.
You'd think I'd recognize the symptoms and try to make her feel better before things got too bad, but no, I'm an idiot. Like most guys are when their girl has is in a bad mood, we run and hide and try to ignore her. It's usually much safer, but not when it comes to computers. You have to step up, be forceful and do what you have to do to fix things and make her feel better. You know, assert yourself.
IMPORTANT! DO NOT TRY THIS WITH HUMAN WOMEN LESS YOU RISK DEATH!Did I step up? NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I just ignored her. I guess you nknow how that turned out? Not well at all. She freaked out and ignored me. She ignored all my advances. All of my feeble attempts to make her feel better. No matter how hard I tried, she just wouldn't cooperate at all. She just ignored me. Things got so bad, she wouldn't even let me access my porn bookmarks.
That was the straw that broke the camel's back.
I knew then it was time. Time to bite the bullet and make up to her. To give her gifts and try and make it all better. I gave her a clean hard drive. I gave her a new operating system. I gave her countless other gifts. She accepted all of my gifts or I wouldn't be telling you this story.
I learned my lesson and will know better next time. What ever, it's water under the bridge now. I've spent countless hours the last couple of days making her feel better again. It was A LOT of work. This has been a rough couple of days.
I can't wait until summer and get back in the pool.
Happy Looking Forward To Summer HNT
The Big Pool Party!