Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I received an email from Linky & Dinky today. It contained a link to a song by James McMurtry named 'We Can't Make It Here Anymore'. It's over 7 minutes long, but once I started listening, I had to listen to it until the end.

Disclaimer: I'm not posting this video as a critique on the war in Iraq. Personally, I was never for going to war there, but I'm also not in favor of abandoning Iraq in one fell swoop either. But that's not my point of posting this. I'm posting it to try and get you all to think about what you just saw and the effect of what you just saw on each and everyone one of us, simple as that. It sure has me thinking.


lime said...

that was really thought provoking and expresses a lot of the frustrations i have.

jillie said...

WOW!! I can't think or say much of anything else.