I'm thankful that when Lori took this picture of this hole in my jeans...............

.......that the skin that she saw...........

.......wasn't the skin of my........
Harry Johnson, Harry Wang, The little soldier, Willie, Dick, Cock (roosters are known for getting up in the morning), Summer Sausage, The wild bologna pony, The head that thinks for me, My little pony, The "Package", Unit, The Tool, Power Drill, Jack Hammer, Schlong (for some it should be called Schort.), Weiner, Frankfurter, Turtle (Ask Lori),Jack-in-the-box, Noodle, Captain Winkie, Better than chocolate, "IT", The one eyed monster, The magic wand, The joystick, The Salamander, The Snake (a.k.a. Boa), .......penis.
I'm thankful that it was the skin on my thumb.

Hey, it's not like you've never been caught
with your hand down your pants, now is it??
What are you thankful for?
Peek a boo.
Have a wonderful holiday. Happy Thanksgiving.
lol... too funny
Happy HNThanksgiving!
I try to get caught with someone elses hand down my pants *wink*
Happy Thanksgiving!!
This is probably the funniest post I've seen in a looooong time! Thank you for making me laugh today! :)
Happy thanksgiving!
You're funny!
Happy HNT and Happy Thanksgiving to you and Lori...
I hate holes in my pants. I got one in my butt cheek. The pants didn't even last two years.
Happy belated HNT!
Thanks Maureen.
Thanks Jennybean.
Dana - If Lori says it's okay, I'll do it.
Summer - Well thank you very much. I'm glad I could brighten your day.
Mariposa - Thanks dear.
Kate - Sounds HOT! Got any pictures? ;-)
You are TOO funny! That's why I like coming here.... so naughty!
but don't forget - Santa IS watching!
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