Sunday, August 10, 2008


I finally got my swimming pool open on Saturday. I was waiting for the pool heater to be installed and the pool filter to be moved to the new location. I had to get the filter moved, because the heater had to be at least 5 feet from the property line according to code. The filter in right next to the fence. So I had the heater and filter moved over next to the house between the bedroom windows. I like them better over there because they don't show from the deck in the back yard.

Saturday afternoon, after the glue on the plumbing had cured overnight, I got to work on setting up the filter. That took about an hour and then I was ready to plug in the filter pump motor into the new timer and test the new installation. WTF? The electrician installed the wrong outlet. WTF! I told him I needed a 220v outlet and he installed a 115v one. The frigging pump was right there too. I tried to get a hold of someone to get the plug changed, but by then it was too late in the day and no one was checking their voice mails. I decided not to wait until Monday for someone to call me back and change it myself.

Don't worry, I'm qualified. I've been doing my own electrical work, plumbing and general home repairs since I was a teenager. My father turned our two-car garage into and apartment for his in laws and made us four boys help him. I am very grateful now for that too. I wasn't grateful then so much, but over the years the skills he taught me, have proven many times to be very useful.

So Saturday, after our usual Saturday and Sunday morning routine (i.e., snuggling, coffee, breakfast and laptops in bed) I went up to the hardware store and bought the correct outlet. I changed it, plugged in the pump motor and turned on the timer. SUCCESS! I left the filter running for a few hours and then we went up to the pool supply store to have the water tested and get the chemical I needed to get the water ready. That's pretty much where it stands now.

Tomorrow I'll clean and vacuum the pool and get the water tested again. It usually takes two tests when I open the pool to get the water just right. I also have to buy a couple of more of the chemicals I ran out of and more DE power for the filter. Once the water is all ready for swimming, I'll start the pool heater and see how that works. I also have to fold up the winter cover and take it out for the trash. It's shot and needs to be replaced. Then empty the water bags that hold down the cover and weed around the pool.

You know something, this pool stuff is a lot like actual work. Anyone want to help with the rest? I'll let you come swimming and even cook for you, give you beer or make you a bunch of my infamous gin & tonics. You even be my BFF!


Monogram Queen said...

You're right, i'm sure y'all will get your use out of it yet!

Misses M said...

You know I'm down for a pool party... as soon as I'm able to drink G&Ts again.

bookbinder said...

MQ - Yes, we will and with gusto!

MM&I - I sure hope so. Hope all is going well.

Shumpy said...

Pool party at Tony's!!!

TUG said...

That invite is so tempting. But you'd have to keep your clothes on :) Gin and tonics sound great! They were my favorite before I moved on to vodka.

Samantha Alice said...

Wish we could... BTW, where are the pix?!?

Anne Marie said...

LMAO you working untill I see it with my own 2 eyes I wont believe it!! You know Bill and I are always willing to lend a helping hand. We are only a phone call away!! The girls love to weed (and I dont mean my boobs either).