Monday, June 05, 2006

Hope Your Weekend Was a Good One........

Edit: Blogger finally let me upload the pictures from the weekend. I hope you enjoy them half as much as I enjoyed taking them. ;-)

.......Because mine sure was.Yesterday was the three month anniversary of Lori and I meeting. Our first date was the movies, dinner and then a night at Kenny's Pub for drinking, dancing and live music. Before the night was over, we both knew we were meant for each other and everyday since it just gets better.

Friday, on my way to pick up Lori after work, I stopped and bought her a bouquet of flowers. She loves flowers. I bought her the bouquet with the pink roses since she LOVES pink. Pink anything. Hell, she even has pink luggage. I got there a little early to surprise her and she introduced me to her boss, most of her co-workers and showed off the flowers.

After we left there, we went to a bar/restaurant in the Polish Town area of Riverhead for dinner. Next we back to the motel room I rented for the weekend to put our stuff away and snuggle. Later that evening we went to Friendly's Restaurant for ice cream and then back to the motel room for more snuggling and to watch some television.

Saturday we went to a pig roast at the Pindar Winery. It was held as a benefit to raise money for the East End Hospice services here on Long Island. It rained all day Saturday, but that didn't stop the pig roast. Pindar has a covered area that they enclosed in plastic so we all stayed dry. They had all the good food and wine you wanted and a DJ that had good taste in music.

Cutting Up the Pigs

Two Pigs

Wine, Wine and Beer

Dancing and Girls in Wet Tee Shirts

Some of Our Empty Wine Glasses

Pig Cookie Sex

Old Young Lovers Gazing into Each Other's Eyes.

We were almost the last ones to leave the pig roast. Then we went back to the motel where we snuggled some more and rested up for the night out. Here are a few places we snuggled.




Around 10:00, we went to "Jerry and the Mermaid's" for karaoke and a visit with our favorite waitress, Liz (aka Bubbles). We didn't leave until it closed at 3:00 am.

The Bar

The DJ

Liz (aka Bubbles)

Lori and Liz

Liz and the Other Waitress
I don't know her name, but really didn't care

Bride and groom
A couple that are regulars at Jerry's, got married that day and showed up after the ceremony.

Lori and I
I pretty sure these were taken when Lori decided she wanted to get back to the motel

Sunday we got out of bed around noon and then went right to breakfast. We were going to snuggle before we left, but decided to get going because we had plans to go to Montauk Point for the day. Since Lori had never been there, there would be a lot to see and would need a lot of time to see what we could.

While we were at the diner getting breakfast, we decided not to go to Montauk Point and go another day instead. We reasoned that since it was already so late, about 12:30. And it would be about one hours drive to Montauk Point. And there would be many more days ahead of us this summer to go. And it was our official 3-month anniversary that day and we didn’t get a chance to snuggle that morning. We thought it only made sense to go to Montauk Point another day. So back to the motel room where we spent the next five hours in bed snuggling, napping and watching television.

That evening we did manage to get up and go to Applebee’s for dinner, but that was about as much as we felt like doing so after dinner we went back to the motel.

Along about 11:45 the munchies hit us. I got dressed and headed over to McDonald’s for a snack. That hit the spot and tied us over until we fell a sleep around 1:00 – 1:30.

Then this morning we had to get up early because Lori had to go to work. I took her to Dunkin’ Donuts for coffee, they have the best around there, and then I dropped her off at work. I walked her in and said hello to whoever was there. That included her son Adam and her daughter Bethany. They both work there.

All in all, I’d have to rate this weekend a 10 out of 10.

You know what? I’d have to rate every day I spend with Lori a 10 out of 10.

Well, except for the day of the “Lettuce Incident”. That one was just a tad lower as I was such an ass.

Remind me to tell you about that some day.


MG said...

A 10 out of 10
wow, that's fantastic, I'm smiling for you.
I long for the day I can say that :)

Libby said...

...tap, tap, tap...i'm waiting for the lettuce incident....

Angela said...

I'm so glad you have found someone that makes you so happy BTE. :-). Ya'll do so much fun stuff. And *clears throat*. LOTS fo snuggling *wink wink* hehehe I'm jealous.. :-)

barman said...

Good for you two. I can not believe all the activity and all the snuggling. You two wear me out just trying to read all about your weekend.

I am glad you explianed about the anniversary. Your third anniversary sounded real wrong until you said third month. And Tony, for heaven sakes bring on the Salad Incident. I went back and read you blog before and did not see it. Tony we want to hear sbout the Salad Incident.

BTExpress said...

MG - It'll happen. I thought my life had ended when me wife died, but now look at me. I guess what I'm trying to say is just hang in there.

Libby - Okay, I promise I'll post something this week.

Kaliblue - Actually, Lori found me on MySpace back in November and kept in touch with me until I asked her to go to the movies. Yes, we do a lot of snuggling. It's not always sex, but we just like to hold each other. We both had slept alone for so long, it took both of us a while to get used to sleeping with the others arms wrapped around us most of the night.

Barman - We try to do something every day we are together, even if is just going for ice cream. I think Sunday was the first day since we've been together, that we stayed in and just snuggled and watched TV. The salad incident will be coming.

lime said...

congrats you two love birds! glad you guys are so very happy. now i wanna hear about the lettuce incident:P

Chickie said...

I love the "pig cookie sex" series!

aughra said...

You two are so cute. I am so happy for you. But jeeze, that's a lot of bartender ass!!

BTExpress said...

Lime - Thanks.

Chickie - Thanks. It was fun watching them in action.

Aughra - What can I tell ya, they looked great so I took a few pictures.

Jodes - It was

Libby - LOL, good one!

barman said...

Tony I am proud of you on the bartenders ass. That is something I might have done. :)

Wenchy said...

I got stuck on the first pic and thought I DID THAT!!!!! lol

Yay!!!!!!!!! Now I am gonna go back and read your entry... Oh and Barman, I have never seen you use the word ASS before. I'm shocked. Horrified. NOT. :O)

Anonymous said...

Great post Tony. I am sooo happy for you and the missus (can I call her the missus? From the "snuggling" you talk about, I think it's safe)Life is too short not to be as happy as you can be and you show us that every day. Thanks.

Phain said...

i absolutely adore reading about you to luv muffins... ;)

BTExpress said...

Barman - Thanks, horn dog

Wenchy - Yes, that pic was Photshopped by you. Thanks.

TG - Well, we do snuggle a lot, but missus is the same as Mrs, right? So..............

Le Chat - Luv muffins? Aren't you sweet. ;-)

S said...

HI Tony and Lori! See you guys at HNT...thanks for taking the quiz, Tony, maybe get Lori to help you next time! :X

lecram sinun said...

Sounds like you're livin it up! Great stuff, my friend! :)

Jillian said...

That is so awesome!!!! I'm so happy for both of you!

BTExpress said...

Barefoot_mistress - I guess I'd better. Lori listens to music all the time.

Lecram - I am. God has been good to me.

Jill - Thank you do much.

Wenchy said...

Okay I have finally read the entire post. It looks like the bestest weekend!!!!!!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh you really know how to do it in style Tony!! (& Lori!)

Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.