Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Thank you Tish!

If it weren’t for Tish, I would have never of met Lori, so I want to thank Tish for inadvertently providing a way for Lori and I to meet. (Confused Tish?) Now for those of you that know Tish and I, this may seem strange to you. I’ve never actually met Tish in person because she lives in Tennessee and I live in New York. Lori surely doesn’t know Tish because Lori doesn’t even have a blog, only a MySpace web page. Since there is no connection what so ever between us three, you’re probably asking.” Then what in the world does Tish have anything to do with Lori and BTExpress meeting?” Please let me explain.

I saw a post on Tish’s blog sometime last year, August I think where she mentioned her MySpace web page. Someone was giving her a hard time and she was considering shutting down her MySpace web page. I wanted to find out what happened, so I went to her MySpace web page. The offending comment was deleted, so I never found out what was said. I did stick around for a while to read some of her other post and wanted to leave a comment and view her pictures, but couldn’t. MySpace only allows members of MySpace to view pictures and leave comments. So then I registered and set up a MySpace web page for myself so I would be able to access to those things.

In early November Lori was searching MySpace for people in her area and stumbled across my web page. She left a message saying hello. This was my first contact with Lori. During the months that followed, Lori and I exchanged messages from time to time and then a few weeks ago, I asked her to go out and she said yes. We have been seeing each other weekly since then.

So you see Tish, if you hadn’t made the post on your blog about your MySpace web page, then I wouldn’t have set up a MySpace web page and Lori would never have contacted me.

For the curious, after seeing Lori twice, I decided I only wanted to date her and stopped seeing Arlene.


Tish said...

Wow, I had no idea, BT! I'm so happy for you! I'm honored that I was able to help you find such a nice woman! Thank you for the kind words, and I hope things continue to go well! And for the record, I'm going to blog about this post, because it gives me a big smile! Have an awesome day, BT!

lecram sinun said...

Amazing how the whole circular path of nature happens, huh?

Plus, you gave Tish a big smile... COOL! :)

BTExpress said...

Tish - I'm glad I could put a smile on your face. :-)

Lecram - It is amazing. All of our lives are intermingled without us usually knowing it.

Libby said...

well, it was nice to meet ya arlene! & nice to meet tish & lori, too! be good to tony, will ya?

Unknown said...

The Internet has definitely made the world smaller. I think it's so great that you're meeting new people this way! Can't wait to hear stories about your adventures with Lori. She has a great smile!

Pittchick said...

That's great that you met someone new. Good luck.

lime said...

funny how things happen isn't it? wishing you and lori the very best.

BTExpress said...

Belle - I'll tell you all about her very soon

dna - Thank you

Lime - We both appreciate the kind words

SassyLadi - Thank you Arlene. I appreciate that very much.

Michelle said...

Well I was wondering what happened to Arlene!! There hadn't been any mention of her for awhile...hmmm Now I know!! hjehe Cool story. Small world we live in sometimes eh? :) Way to go!

barman said...

"It's a Small World" playing in the background...

Living in Michigan I was trying to get a relationship going with someone in Calgary (4 hour plane trip away) but I managed to bullex that up although we are still friends. I also have several people that I consider very good friends, some of which I have met and some maybe some day, that I found by way of the Internet. No love connection but still the Internet is amazing. As to intertwined, I ended up blogging in the first place because a person I met on a WEB site started to blog so I set up an account for access. Several months later I wrote my first entry into the blog and have had a great time ever since.

I hope all goes splashingly with you and Lori and yes, please to share some details.

Mark Leslie said...

Congrats to you and Lori - and of course to Tish. I'm continually amazed at the ways in which people can come tomgether and connect using this whole internet thingy . . .

Megan said...

and i thought myspace was just for teenagers!!!

The Middle Child said...

Congrats to you!
Myspace does have a lot of teens on it, but there are others there. It is a great way to communicate with others via comments and messages. Glad you found it useful! I have actually run into two old highschool friends on there, pretty amazing seeings how I moved away the year I graduated and haven't seen any of them in over 14 years.

Wenchy said...

You are most fabulous!

PS. I love the internet.

truckdriver_sefl said...

Love this post Tony!! My daddy died 12 years ago and 5 yrs later she married a wonderful man I think I will write about how they met soon!!

Summer said...

What a cool roundabout history there. I did the same thing...set up a myspace page just to be able to look at everyone's pictures.

I'm glad you're happy, BT. It makes me happy when people I know (even if I just know you online) find someone to share their life with. :)

Robin Alexa said...

Cool! All my My Space does is confuse and annoy me...maybe I need a better attitude.

Anonymous said...

Weird where the paths in life lead us sometimes. Good luck with it all!

CameraDawktor said...

What a crazy round-about internet-loop! cool!