Wednesday, January 11, 2006

HNT - Now I'm getting yelled at... the fans of my Vietnam series stories. I posted chapter 15 on Monday which covered the pre-op before surgery after I was wounded. I ended that story just as I was going under the anesthesia.

Boy oh boy, did they get mad at that. You'd have thought I did something terrible by stopping there and leaving them hanging. Wondering why the doctor was concerned if I could breathe or did I even survive the surgery. Now my feelings are hurt and I don't know if I want to continue with my story. I wonder what it will take to get me to post the next chapter?

Any ideas?

*cough* *HNT* *cough* *boobs* *cough* *half-nekkid* *cough* *full-naked is even better* *cough*

Sorry, I have a cold. ;-)

Gee, I can't think of anything myself. I'll use this picture as my HNT post this week and see if this will generate any ideas. (Hint: It's related to the breathing thing)

Here’s a picture of the scar from that wound. It took 35 stitches to close it. It’s right above my shirt collar. The scar has faded quite a bit over the years so it may be a little difficult to make out. Click on the picture to make it larger if you want.


MamaKBear said...

Lookit that! I'm first!

Boy, you've got some doozies for scars don't ya? Glad you made it out of Vietnam essentially in one piece, and I THANK YOU for your service! :)

Now, please continue with the story tomorrow!! You have been telling it very well, and I've really enjoyed reading about your experiences!

BTExpress said...

Thanks Mamakbear - I left a few pieces of me there, but I have all the important stuff. I'm glad your enjoying the story.

The Guy in the Back said...
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The Guy in the Back said...

I have pretty much concluded that you survived the surgery. But you did leave off just like a television series would have. Knowing we'd have to tune in next time to see if the hero will pull thru.
You are a hero of the greatest kind. Not only a veteran but a WIA vet. And scars are proof that you made it thru it and reminders of how you managed to triumph over whatever it was that you went thu at that time in your life.
Now...on with the story. LOL.

Lee Ann said...

Wow, that scar has an honorable memory! Happy HNT!

BTExpress said...

Guy - You humble me. I personally know many men that did so much more than me, but I still appreciate it.

Lee Ann - Most of my scars have faded and are barely visible anymore, but I know where each and everyone is.

SignGurl said...

Thanks for sharing yourself with us.

Happy HNT!

lecram sinun said...

I'm feeling really short now. LOL! Cheers and Happy HNT!

BTExpress said...

Jonathan, Sure do, I died a post or two ago.

Robin said...

Ow, baby!!!!!! HHNT, and glad you didn't bleed out from that one!

Anonymous said...

That's a great scar, BTE. Kick ass, even. The fact that it's on your neck gives it extra scare points... Happy HNT!

Bsoholic said...

Killer scar (not literally thankfully). Happy HNT

Anonymous said...

Happy HNT!

Robin Alexa said...


lime said...

wow! that is quite a place to be wounded! glad you made it out! happy HNT!

Mellissa said...

I was wonderng about the scars on the inside...

Happy HNT to you!


The Lily said...

Oh man! We're lucky you are still here with us! A very fortunate and Happy HNT, indeed!

Marie said...

Oooh...35 stitches?! Scary stuff. Happy HNT though! ;)

Blondie... said...

Wow... I'm still astounded you sustained such major wounds and are here today to share it with us.

Thank you and a happy HNT!

PS, I'm not upset silly, just been a bit crazy lately. *kisses*

BTExpress said...

Robin - I bled, oh how I bled.

Foxglove. That one was very close. It (read my next chapter to find out what caused the scar) was stopped by my Adams apple. A 1/2 inch either way, and.............. no BTE for you all to love and lust after.

bsoholic - See above. Thanks

Cowgirl, thanks and beautiful legs.

Mellissa - Check your email

Marie - That's nothing. If you keep reading my stories, you'll eventually find out how many it took to close up the other 34 wounds.

Clairebell - More lucky than you'l ever know. Believe it or not, I feel blessed to have gone through that.

Blondie - :-D

Tracey said...

ouch! happy hnt!

Angela said...

WOW close call there on that one. Right there with ateries and the jugglar. Thanks for sharing. Helps with the rest of the story I HOPE you will continue with SOON.. *wink* Happy HNT ~ :-)

Rose-Colored Beer Goggles said...

wow! thank gawd for medics and docs. I'll be back to catch up... :o) Cheers

.- said...


happy hnt
and glad you made it through

Southern Sweetheart said...

Thanks for serving..... what a scar... hhnt!

BTExpress said...

Ladies, I would have never thought in a million years that getting my body all fucked up would make me feel like this. Thank you all so very much.

The Funky Bee said...

yup, can totally see the scar. I love scar stories/pic's! Happy HNT

Chickie said...

That is one impressive scar!

And you know what? I like you even more than ever because I'm NOT seeing any nose or ear hair!

Happy HNT!

HS said...

oh wow! I can't imagine what a gash that big would feel like. I've only had knee surgery...a few times...and they put me under...uh...then put me on morphine...then T3..uh, well you get the picture...

Shannin said...

owie!!!! i will never complain about bar bruises again!!! hhnt!

BTExpress said...

Mz. Naughty - I think I need my boobie pics, but no luck so far. Looks like I won't be posting anymore stories then. Too bad. I guess everyone will have to wait until my book is published to find out if I survived the operation.

Wenchy said...

Scars are kinda sexy on a guy... mmmmmm?

Mark Leslie said...

A hero's scar. Glad you're here to share the story.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the picture and the story.

betchacantguesswho said...

Now isn't thst just like a man? Getting us all worked up and anticipating a great finish only to stop in the middle of it and leave us on our own. Shame on you, Tony.
That is a cool scar but I still like "Bug" the bestest so far. It's just plain cute. =D

Happy HNT!!

aughra said...

I can see it. And thanks for the email - we are glad to make you lose your breath!!

Scarlet Traces said...

thats a pretty big scar, thank god for Doctors eh?

Hoochie Mama said...

Now that's a scar!

Happy HNT!

Megan said...

Damn, Tony! I'm thinking it's going to be a surprise ending and you did not, in fact, survive the surgery. As your editor-in-chief (i promoted myself), I have to say I like the flair with which you ended your last post; however, i think you're selling out by requiring boobie shots for the next chapter. Just a thought... :) (i think you're going to have to be more direct like Os was, if you expect to get any. and NO, i'm not sending you one)

Incredible scar, btw. I bet it serves to remind you of miracles. Thank you for sharing with us once again. And you know I'm with all the others with my appreciation for your service to our country.

Speckledpup said...

so pretty.

Beth said...

OUCH! That looks seriously painful. Or, at least, like it was.

HHNT, Sugar!

CozyMama said...

major close up!! hhnt

Anonymous said...

Hi ya cuz Just looked in to see what you wrote today

Libby said...

i bet that hurt like hell, didn't it...but it looks like the dr fixed it great! HHNT!

Stephanie said...

Better take something for that um cough you have there - LOL!!!
